cascode-labs / morpheus

Generate Maestro circuit test benches in Cadence Virtuoso
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Scan existing Schematic for DUT and get pintypes #35

Closed Jetsama closed 3 months ago

Jetsama commented 3 months ago

Add the ability to scan existing schematics for a device under test. This is useful for prebuilt schematics.

Currently to create maestro equations, a schematic must be generated. Instead, we can determine the DUT and then evaluate the pins to use maestro methods without schematic creation.

A new process flow would allow:

  1. Morpheus Schematic load "LIBRARY" "CELL" "VIEW" <- needs to be implemented
  2. Morpheus Schematic evaluate <-
  3. Morpheus Maestro create equations
  4. Morpheus Maestro create corners
Jetsama commented 3 months ago

Added method to schematic class to find DUT using cellview instances

def findDUT(self): for inst in if inst.cell_name == self.DUT.cell_name: self.DUTinst = inst #internal return inst return None #none found

Pintypes are already calculated by DUT symbol. No change other than running evaluate in the init for schematic class.