casdoor / casdoor

An open-source UI-first Identity and Access Management (IAM) / Single-Sign-On (SSO) platform with web UI supporting OAuth 2.0, OIDC, SAML, CAS, LDAP, SCIM, WebAuthn, TOTP, MFA, Face ID, RADIUS, Google Workspace, Active Directory and Kerberos
Apache License 2.0
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Enforce acceptance of Terms and Conditions for social logins #2975

Open mallipatil opened 4 weeks ago

mallipatil commented 4 weeks ago

Issue: Enforce acceptance of Terms and Conditions for social logins. As per my analysis (for social logins) • There is no difference between sign up & sign-in via social login providers/links • Acceptance of terms and conditions is not captured • Few OAuth provider does not provide applications specific fields, for example Facebook does share phone numbers via oAuth.

I understand work-around is having custom redirect screen in application to ensure terms and conditions acceptance & collect few important fields (like username, phone number, country code) to capture user details.

Enhancement request: Possibly add new optional redirect/new screen with few customizable fields (i.e., selectable fields present in sign up, sign-in screens), so that it can be used for social login redirects & capture/store data in Casdoor. User should not be allowed to enter application if terms and conditions are not accepted. According to me, it's one of Auth flow & better to include it as part of Identity management.

casbin-bot commented 4 weeks ago

@tangyang9464 @JalinWang @imp2002

hsluoyz commented 2 weeks ago


If the user clicks the OAuth icons, show the Please accept the agreement! alert error if not checked. After checked, OAuth will redirect.


hsluoyz commented 2 weeks ago

@mallipatil for other questions, plz create new issue. One issue is for one question.

mallipatil commented 2 weeks ago

Thank you for considering this request.

Yes, this is correct, look forward for release.

As there is no difference between "sign up & sign-in" process for social logins (OAuth providers), request you to consider same functionality in sign-in page as well. May be its good idea to add as a configurable rule, either in provider button rules or agreement rules, so that it's flexible.
