caserec / CaseRecommender

Case Recommender: A Flexible and Extensible Python Framework for Recommender Systems
MIT License
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Item-to-Item Recommendation #43

Open Avinash0502 opened 2 years ago

Avinash0502 commented 2 years ago

I would like to get the top 'K' item recommendations for a given item. I would like to get the top 'K' user recommendations for a given user.

How to achieve this solution, For a given item , recommend top 'K' similar items For a given user , recommend top 'K' similar users

It will be a great help if anyone can solve this issue as soon as possible, thank you

Avinash0502 commented 2 years ago

It would be a great help, if someone suggests me the solution to get the top-k recommendations for the given item by using BPRMF.