caseykneale / ChemometricsData.jl

Chemometrics Data Respository, Scraper, and Fetcher.
MIT License
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Dataset that comprises of chemical elements (tabular data) AND spectral data #27

Open TommasoBendinelli opened 2 years ago

TommasoBendinelli commented 2 years ago


I have a new machine learning technique for effective data-fusion of chemical measurements (FTIR, UV, ICP, ED, etc..). Could you recommend a dataset for benchmarking?

Best, Tommaso

caseykneale commented 2 years ago

Hi Tommaso,

New algorithms are fun :D.

Unfortunately, there aren't any good datasets for datafusion in this repository (this project has kind of died due to my bandwidth).

Without knowing more about what your algorithm is doing, I would check here for data fusion datasets:

Please feel free to message me on LinkedIn if you would like to discuss further :). I don't do Chemometrics professionally anymore, but it is a fun hobby,
