caseyslaught / smartcarte-app

Smart Carte web application v2 using React and Chakra
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[Request Feature] How to download High Resolution Imagery without running Land cover. #17

Open arky opened 1 year ago

arky commented 1 year ago

The use case to download high resolution full color image of certain location from a specific time period. This could be to show on-going incident captured by remote sensing.

Use case: Darfur war crimes


  1. Select a village of region of interest by drawing a box
  2. Select a time period, year and month
  3. Run task to create high resolution full color image of the selected area.
  4. After the task is complete, click the download button to download the high resolution JPG image of the location.

After the image is downloaded the image could be filed for evidence for future or used in story or social media post.

Multiple such image could be posted to social media site or news story using Juxtapose or similar data visualization tool.

Alternatively you could also enable users to select two such images and show compare of before / after of the incident. The before images show villages with inhibitions and after images shows charred remains of the houses.