caseyslaught / smartcarte-app

Smart Carte web application v2 using React and Chakra
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[Feature Request] Comparing changes with user interaction #6

Open arky opened 1 year ago

arky commented 1 year ago

It would be great to compare two different maps (from different dates) for the currently selected task/area.

A good example of this user interaction is Juxtapose which was developed a long time ago.

Flourish (now owned by canva) also ships similar comparison tools for images

Skytruth alert platform provide both split screen interaction and swipe interaction to compare two maps.

arky commented 1 year ago

Here is a good example of split screen UX interaction.

caseyslaught commented 1 year ago

Yea great examples. I use Mapbox for all the map stuff on the website. Looks like they have a built-in split screen so I should be able to do this relatively easily.

arky commented 1 year ago

If you are using Mapbox GL, most of the bugs that I am going to report from the initial beta testing could be fixed by just turning on flags.