caseywatts / graphviz-repl

REPL WebUI for Graphviz
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Etherpad Host #5

Open caseywatts opened 7 years ago

caseywatts commented 7 years ago

Oop looks like we can't use this etherpad host anymore. image


  1. Figure out how to host one cheaply (database storage is an issue, even if we aggressively clean it)
  2. Use something other than etherpad. Theoretically we could deal with localstorage and some peer-to-peer thing.
  3. Consider removing realtime-collaborative part of this app (and be like viz.js's demo page)
  4. Switch to another host for now
  5. Switch to a round-robin style to distribute between different free hosts ones (in a deterministic way)
caseywatts commented 7 years ago

I switched us to another host for now, and it's working!

But this borked the "Import Tutorial" function, because that doesn't work now :( Switched that button to just link to the tutorials anchor link on the main page, that will help for now.

CORS being enforced -> I should really figure out how to host this and my app on the same server instance or set up a reverse proxy or whitelist it or anything like that.

sheerun commented 5 years ago

I think app doesn't work again