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Long branch attraction #14

Open josephryan opened 8 years ago

josephryan commented 8 years ago

There is room for clarification and additional references in this entry. For example, several places refer to methods that are susceptible:

1) "LBA can result from a variety of scenarios and be inferred under multiple analysis paradigms" 2) "LBA was first recognized as problematic when analyzing discrete morpological character sets under parsimony criteria, however Maximum Likelihood analyses of DNA or protein sequences are also susceptible" 3) "When this happens, parsimony may erroneously interpret this homoplasy as a synapomorphy (i.e., evolving once in the common ancestor of the two lineages)."

The first seems reasonable. The second seems too specific pointing out ML applied to DNA and protein, which makes it seem like Parsimony and ML applied to DNA/prot matrices are the only susceptible scenarios. The last makes it seem like parsimony is the only method susceptible.