cashapp / licensee

Gradle plugin which validates the licenses of your dependency graph match what you expect
Apache License 2.0
612 stars 28 forks source link

Add fallback URL for ISC #254

Closed msfjarvis closed 9 months ago

msfjarvis commented 9 months ago

Came across this when adding kotlin-result in a project that uses Licensee.

JakeWharton commented 9 months ago

I'm on mobile, but I want to check when I get to a computer if we can consume the OSI license list as JSON and add all these automatically.

msfjarvis commented 9 months ago

It should be possible. There is this:

It appears to scrape a bunch of sources (including SPDX) to generate a combined JSON which is hosted at

IANAL: the JSON output is licensed under CC0 so we should be free to consume it

JakeWharton commented 9 months ago

Excellent! The design of their page screams JSON powered but I couldn't figure out how to view sources on mobile.

I'll merge as is and file a bug to switch over.

JakeWharton commented 9 months ago