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Add PostgreSql TSRANGE/TSTZRANGE support #5297

Open griffio opened 2 weeks ago

griffio commented 2 weeks ago

👷 🚧 Add some support for TS Range type

Types are mapped to string representations as there is no client side data type such as a range that is compatible (Kotlin ranges only implement open/closed on upper bounds). This is consistent with JSON, TSVECTOR types and uses OTHER type to bind the literal value.

Range functions are used to work with ranges e.g extract lower and upper values to the client types LocalDateTime and OffSetDateTime

INSERT INTO room_reservation VALUES
    ('123A', '[2010-01-01 14:00, 2010-01-01 15:00)');

  slot_tsz TSTZRANGE

SELECT LOWER(slot_ts) AS begin_ts, UPPER(slot_ts) AS end_ts,
LOWER(slot_tsz) AS begin_tsz, UPPER(slot_tsz) AS end_tsz,
EXTRACT (epoch FROM UPPER(slot_ts) - LOWER(slot_ts)) / 60
FROM TsRanges;

SELECT isempty(slot_ts),
 lower_inc(slot_ts), upper_inc(slot_ts),
 lower_inf(slot_ts), upper_inf(slot_ts),
 range_merge(slot_tsz, slot_tsz)
FROM TsRanges;

Also add basic support for EXCLUDE table constraints for range supported indexes

CREATE TABLE Reservations (
    start_time TSTZRANGE,
    finish_time TSTZRANGE,
    CONSTRAINT no_screening_time_overlap EXCLUDE USING GIST (finish_time WITH =, start_time WITH &&)

MultiRange support (Postgresql 14 or higher)

Allows useful arithmetic on ranges
e.g identify the available time slots that are not occupied by any appointments within a specified time range.

SELECT tsmultirange(tsrange('2010-01-01 14:30:00', '2010-01-01 15:30:00', '[]'))
 - range_agg(appointment_dates)
FROM Appointments
WHERE appointment_dates && tsrange('2010-01-01 14:30:00', '2010-01-01 15:30:00', '[]');

Note: 🧜 Merge this after

TODO: Create issue for PR More tests e.g cast SELECT '("2010-01-01 14:30:00+00","2010-01-01 15:30:00+00"]'::TSTZRANGE