Open Fahimansari opened 1 month ago
const UploadFileArea = () => { const fileInputRef = useRef<HTMLInputElement>(null); const formRef = useRef<HTMLFormElement>(null); const handleDrop = (e: React.DragEvent<HTMLDivElement>) => { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); const files = Array.from(e.dataTransfer.files); console.log('Files dropped:', files); if (fileInputRef.current) { const dataTransfer = new DataTransfer(); files.forEach(file => dataTransfer.items.add(file)); fileInputRef.current.files = dataTransfer.files; formRef.current?.submit(); } }; const handleFileChange = (e: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => { const files = Array.from( || []); console.log('Files selected:', files); if (files.length > 0) { formRef.current?.submit(); } }; return ( <> <form id="file_upload_form" ref={formRef} action={<passed as props>} method="post" encType="multipart/form-data"> <input type="file" id="file_upload" ref={fileInputRef} name="files" multiple style={{ display: 'none' }} onChange={handleFileChange} /> </form> <Box component="div" sx={{ border: '2px dashed', borderColor: 'neutral.outlinedBorder', borderRadius: 'sm', p: 4, mb: 2, mt: 2, display: 'flex', flexDirection: 'column', alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'center', cursor: 'pointer', transition: 'all 0.2s', '&:hover': { borderColor: 'primary.500', bgcolor: 'primary.50' } }} onDragOver={(e) => { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); }} onDrop={handleDrop} onClick={() => fileInputRef.current?.click()} > <Upload sx={{ fontSize: 48, color: 'neutral.500', mb: 2 }} /> <Typography level="body-lg" sx={{ mb: 1 }}> Drag and drop files here </Typography> <Typography level="body-sm" sx={{ color: 'neutral.500' }}> or click to select files </Typography> </Box> </> ) }
Sample component (working)