Build a Pagination component on top of the Pagination component in @mui-material
Should have sx= {variant: 'outlined', shape:'rounded'}
The component should be horizontally centre aligned in it's parent component
Should take two items
pagecount - How many pages are there in a particular table
disabled - To disable the pagination component
How I am planning to use it.
I will pass the total number of pages that are available in a particular scenario to the Pagination component to show how much pages are available to swtich between
When I switch to another page, the logic should be such that, the url params with page=<page_number> and will load the page with that param.
The below code is something that I am using right now. You can probably start from it and make sure that it's working correctly as an isolated component
'use client';
import * as React from 'react';
import { Pagination as MUIPagination } from "@mui/material";
export default function Pagination({count=1, disabled=false}){
const handlePageChange = (event, page) => {
const current = new URLSearchParams(Array.from(searchParams.entries()));
current.set('page', page.toString());
const search = current.toString();
const query = search ? `?${search}` : '';
<MUIPagination count={count}
disabled={disabled} />
@JOEL PETER SONY Pagination Component spec
sx= {variant: 'outlined', shape:'rounded'}
and will load the page with that param.The below code is something that I am using right now. You can probably start from it and make sure that it's working correctly as an isolated component