cashshuffle / cashshuffle-electron-cash-plugin

Electron cash cash-shuffle plugin
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Install difficulties on Ubuntu 16.04 #31

Closed cryptophone closed 5 years ago

cryptophone commented 6 years ago

To get set up with CashShuffle, I used a fresh install of Ubuntu 16.04. However I hit several snags while following the setup guide at I also needed to:

  1. Install "setuptools".
  2. Install "python3-pyqt5"
  3. Install version 3.2 (rather than 3.0) of Electron Cash
  4. Remove "pyqt5" from the requirements list in

The following command works on my system to achieve these things. I also added "set -x" to help with debugging.

set -x; if [ ! $(which setuptools) ]; then sudo apt-get install python3-setuptools; fi; if ! dpkg -l python3-pyqt5 >/dev/null; then sudo apt-get install python3-pyqt5; fi; cd ~/ && V="3.2" && EC_GZ="ElectronCash-$V.tar.gz" && EC_DIR="Electron Cash-$V" && wget "$V/win-linux/$EC_GZ" && tar -xvzf "$EC_GZ" && rm -rf "$EC_GZ" && wget && unzip && rm -rf && rm -rf "$EC_DIR/plugins/shuffle" && mv cashshuffle-electron-cash-plugin-master/shuffle "$EC_DIR/plugins" && rm -rf cashshuffle-electron-cash-plugin-master && sed -i "s/'electroncash_plugins.virtualkeyboard',/'electroncash_plugins.virtualkeyboard', 'electroncash_plugins.shuffle',/" "$EC_DIR/" && sed -i '/'\''pyqt5'\'',/d' "$EC_DIR/" && cd "$EC_DIR" && sudo python3 install; set +x

clifordsymack commented 6 years ago

I've tested it with 3.1.6 version of electron-cash. Will test it on 3.2 maybe there is some issues.

clifordsymack commented 6 years ago

@cryptophone do you install electron-cash from source or get it as a package?

cryptophone commented 6 years ago

@clifordsymack I just followed the guide at All I did prior to this was install a fresh copy of Ubuntu 16.04.

The command near the top of includes the step: wget So, if people use the command as it currently stands, they will end up getting version 3.0 from that package, which won't work, as far as I can see.

cryptophone commented 6 years ago

I see now the statement at the top of the file that says

The version of Electron Cash should be not less then 3.1.2

However the command below this is said to "install the latest version of Electron Cash", but it doesn't. It installs version 3.0. I'm sure this will trip people up.

I had a look to see if I could modify the instruction to properly get the latest version, but this would involve installing git, etc. And I don't know how involved you want this instruction to be. So the version of the command I gave earlier at least makes the version number a variable so it's easier to update.

clifordsymack commented 6 years ago

I will try the installation in a fresh ubuntu VM. And instruction should be changed for sure.

zquestz commented 5 years ago

Going to close this. We now have a new install method that replaces the old docs. This is no longer relevant.