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inkscape does not start #4

Open gkovacs opened 7 years ago

gkovacs commented 7 years ago

I installed it via the command brew install caskformula/caskformula/inkscape and there were no versions installed previously. XQuartz is already installed . I'm running os macOS Sierra 10.12.2. When I execute the inkscape command, I get the following messages, followed by a gtk dialog saying that "inkscape has encountered an internal error and will now close".

geza@gezamac ~> /usr/local/Cellar/inkscape/0.92.1/bin/inkscape

(process:56123): Gtk-WARNING **: Locale not supported by C library.
    Using the fallback 'C' locale.
2017-02-28 19:48:35.960 inkscape[56123:7710444] *** WARNING: Method userSpaceScaleFactor in class NSView is deprecated on 10.7 and later. It should not be used in new applications. Use convertRectToBacking: instead.
Fontconfig warning: line 146: blank doesn't take any effect anymore. please remove it from your fonts.conf
Fontconfig warning: ignoring UTF-8: not a valid region tag
libc++abi.dylib: terminating with uncaught exception of type Glib::ConvertError

Emergency save activated!
Emergency save completed. Inkscape will close now.
If you can reproduce this crash, please file a bug at
with a detailed description of the steps leading to the crash, so we can fix it.

(inkscape:56123): Gtk-WARNING **: ChannelsAction: missing action ChannelsAction

(inkscape:56123): Gtk-WARNING **: ThresholdAction: missing action ThresholdAction

(inkscape:56123): Gtk-WARNING **: OffsetAction: missing action OffsetAction

(inkscape:56123): Gtk-WARNING **: PaintbucketUnitsAction: missing action PaintbucketUnitsAction

(inkscape:56123): Gtk-WARNING **: AutoGapAction: missing action AutoGapAction

(inkscape:56123): Gtk-WARNING **: PaintbucketResetAction: missing action PaintbucketResetAction

(inkscape:56123): Gtk-WARNING **: TextFontStyleAction: missing action TextFontStyleAction

(inkscape:56123): Gtk-WARNING **: TextOuterStyleAction: missing action TextOuterStyleAction

(inkscape:56123): Gtk-WARNING **: TextFontSizeAction: missing action TextFontSizeAction

(inkscape:56123): Gtk-WARNING **: TextLineHeightAction: missing action TextLineHeightAction

(inkscape:56123): Gtk-WARNING **: TextLineHeightUnitsAction: missing action TextLineHeightUnitsAction

(inkscape:56123): Gtk-WARNING **: TextLineHeightUnsetAction: missing action TextLineHeightUnsetAction

(inkscape:56123): Gtk-WARNING **: TextAlignAction: missing action TextAlignAction

(inkscape:56123): Gtk-WARNING **: TextSuperscriptAction: missing action TextSuperscriptAction

(inkscape:56123): Gtk-WARNING **: TextSubscriptAction: missing action TextSubscriptAction

(inkscape:56123): Gtk-WARNING **: TextLetterSpacingAction: missing action TextLetterSpacingAction

(inkscape:56123): Gtk-WARNING **: TextWordSpacingAction: missing action TextWordSpacingAction

(inkscape:56123): Gtk-WARNING **: TextDxAction: missing action TextDxAction

(inkscape:56123): Gtk-WARNING **: TextDyAction: missing action TextDyAction

(inkscape:56123): Gtk-WARNING **: TextRotationAction: missing action TextRotationAction

(inkscape:56123): Gtk-WARNING **: TextWritingModeAction: missing action TextWritingModeAction

(inkscape:56123): Gtk-WARNING **: TextOrientationAction: missing action TextOrientationAction

(inkscape:56123): Gtk-WARNING **: GradientNewTypeAction: missing action GradientNewTypeAction

(inkscape:56123): Gtk-WARNING **: GradientNewFillStrokeAction: missing action GradientNewFillStrokeAction

(inkscape:56123): Gtk-WARNING **: GradientSelectGradientAction: missing action GradientSelectGradientAction

(inkscape:56123): Gtk-WARNING **: GradientEditLinkAction: missing action GradientEditLinkAction

(inkscape:56123): Gtk-WARNING **: GradientEditReverseAction: missing action GradientEditReverseAction

(inkscape:56123): Gtk-WARNING **: GradientSelectRepeatAction: missing action GradientSelectRepeatAction

(inkscape:56123): Gtk-WARNING **: GradientEditStopsAction: missing action GradientEditStopsAction

(inkscape:56123): Gtk-WARNING **: GradientEditOffsetAction: missing action GradientEditOffsetAction

(inkscape:56123): Gtk-WARNING **: GradientEditAddAction: missing action GradientEditAddAction

(inkscape:56123): Gtk-WARNING **: GradientEditDeleteAction: missing action GradientEditDeleteAction

(inkscape:56123): Gtk-WARNING **: MeshNewTypeAction: missing action MeshNewTypeAction

(inkscape:56123): Gtk-WARNING **: MeshNewFillStrokeAction: missing action MeshNewFillStrokeAction

(inkscape:56123): Gtk-WARNING **: MeshRowAction: missing action MeshRowAction

(inkscape:56123): Gtk-WARNING **: MeshColumnAction: missing action MeshColumnAction

(inkscape:56123): Gtk-WARNING **: MeshToggleSidesAction: missing action MeshToggleSidesAction

(inkscape:56123): Gtk-WARNING **: MeshMakeEllipticalAction: missing action MeshMakeEllipticalAction

(inkscape:56123): Gtk-WARNING **: MeshPickColorsAction: missing action MeshPickColorsAction

(inkscape:56123): Gtk-WARNING **: MeshFitInBoundingBoxAction: missing action MeshFitInBoundingBoxAction

(inkscape:56123): Gtk-WARNING **: MeshShowHandlesAction: missing action MeshShowHandlesAction

(inkscape:56123): Gtk-WARNING **: MeshEditFillAction: missing action MeshEditFillAction

(inkscape:56123): Gtk-WARNING **: MeshEditStrokeAction: missing action MeshEditStrokeAction

(inkscape:56123): Gtk-WARNING **: MeshWarningAction: missing action MeshWarningAction

(inkscape:56123): Gtk-WARNING **: MeshSmoothAction: missing action MeshSmoothAction

(inkscape:56123): Gtk-WARNING **: DropperOpacityAction: missing action DropperOpacityAction

(inkscape:56123): Gtk-WARNING **: DropperPickAlphaAction: missing action DropperPickAlphaAction

(inkscape:56123): Gtk-WARNING **: DropperSetAlphaAction: missing action DropperSetAlphaAction

(inkscape:56123): Gtk-WARNING **: ConnectorAvoidAction: missing action ConnectorAvoidAction

(inkscape:56123): Gtk-WARNING **: ConnectorIgnoreAction: missing action ConnectorIgnoreAction

(inkscape:56123): Gtk-WARNING **: ConnectorOrthogonalAction: missing action ConnectorOrthogonalAction

(inkscape:56123): Gtk-WARNING **: ConnectorCurvatureAction: missing action ConnectorCurvatureAction

(inkscape:56123): Gtk-WARNING **: ConnectorSpacingAction: missing action ConnectorSpacingAction

(inkscape:56123): Gtk-WARNING **: ConnectorGraphAction: missing action ConnectorGraphAction

(inkscape:56123): Gtk-WARNING **: ConnectorLengthAction: missing action ConnectorLengthAction

(inkscape:56123): Gtk-WARNING **: ConnectorDirectedAction: missing action ConnectorDirectedAction

(inkscape:56123): Gtk-WARNING **: ConnectorOverlapAction: missing action ConnectorOverlapAction
fish: '/usr/local/Cellar/inkscape/0.92…' terminated by signal SIGABRT (Abort)
mgazda commented 7 years ago

I have the same issue on my macbook air. You can workaround this by running Inkscape with root privileges (sudo inkscape) - I don't know why it works (to what it does not have rights without sudo) but it does...

BTW, on my mac mini Inkscape runs ok. They are both on Sierra.

tghs commented 7 years ago

@gkovacs @mgazda Could you both try moving your Inkscape config/cache directories aside and try launching Inkscape as normal, in case it's something related to them that's tripping it up.

mv ~/.config/inkscape ~/.config/inkscape.old
mv ~/.cache/inkscape ~/.cache/inkscape.old

@mgazda Had both of your machines previously been used to run Inkscape?

mgazda commented 7 years ago

Before your answer came I tried to reinstall inkscape and xquartz (is it necessary? I think I don't have it on mini) and ended up in a situation where inkscape didn't want to start at all - it was freeezing after showing:

Gtk-WARNING **: Locale not supported by C library.
    Using the fallback 'C' locale.

It was the same for root and regular privileges.

Clearing config/cache brought me back to original problem - works only with sudo.

Another thing is that indeed, on air (where the problem is) I previously had an earlier version of inkscape. On mini 0.92.1 is the first one.

gkovacs commented 7 years ago

So moving the config and cache didn't fix the issue. The issue seems to only occur with certain locales. It works fine with English and vietnamese and french and portuguese and catalan and hebrew:

LANG=en_US inkscape
LANG=en_GB inkscape
LANG=vi_VN inkscape
LANG=fr_FR inkscape
LANG=pt_BR inkscape
LANG=pt_PT inkscape
LANG=ca_CA inkscape
LANG=he_IL inkscape

but not with chinese or japanese or russian or hungarian or spanish or german or arabic (LANG=zh_CN, LANG=zh_TW, LANG=ja_JP, LANG=ru_RU, LANG=hu_HU, LANG=es_ES, LANG=de_DE, LANG=ar_EG) - it prints out a localized error message: Inkscape 遇到内部错误并将立即关闭。/ Inkscape 發生內部錯誤,將立即結束。 / Inkscape で内部エラーが発生しました。直ちに終了します。 (which means Inkscape has encountered an internal error, it will immediately terminate)

mgazda commented 7 years ago

It actually helped!

In my case LANG variable was not set at all. Setting it to e.g. en_US made inkscape start without sudo.

I've checked and it also works with polish locale (LANG=pl_PL).

Thank you @gkovacs

wnezreen commented 7 years ago
screen shot 2017-07-23 at 8 42 04 pm

what actually happening to me...

washt commented 7 years ago

I ran into this same issue on OSX 10.12.6 , setting the LANG variable fixed it and inkscape started up as expected. Perhaps we should add a LANG=en_US as a default in the build process? Or at least a note about this requirement for startup in ?

KjellMorgenstern commented 6 years ago

Same problem here on a MacBook Pro Late 2011, OS X 10.12.6.

Setting LANG=C (or LANG=en_US, which triggered a fallback to "C") helped and Inkscape starts up nicely (with a warning about ignoring UTF-8, not a valid region tag)

No xquartz installed.

requeijaum commented 6 years ago

Same problem here. macOS 10.11.6. Compiled inkscape with brew. Have XQuartz. Tried deleting ~/.config/inkscape and using LANG={en_US, C}.

No deal. 😞

iHack-de-Rafael:mathconverter requeijaum$ LANG=C inkscape &
[1] 8417
iHack-de-Rafael:mathconverter requeijaum$ libc++abi.dylib: terminating with uncaught exception of type Glib::ConvertError

Emergency save activated!
Emergency save completed. Inkscape will close now.
If you can reproduce this crash, please file a bug at
with a detailed description of the steps leading to the crash, so we can fix it.

(inkscape:8417): Gtk-WARNING **: 10:18:30.472: ChannelsAction: missing action ChannelsAction

(inkscape:8417): Gtk-WARNING **: 10:18:30.472: ThresholdAction: missing action ThresholdAction

(inkscape:8417): Gtk-WARNING **: 10:18:30.472: OffsetAction: missing action OffsetAction

(inkscape:8417): Gtk-WARNING **: 10:18:30.472: PaintbucketUnitsAction: missing action PaintbucketUnitsAction

(inkscape:8417): Gtk-WARNING **: 10:18:30.472: AutoGapAction: missing action AutoGapAction

(inkscape:8417): Gtk-WARNING **: 10:18:30.472: PaintbucketResetAction: missing action PaintbucketResetAction

(inkscape:8417): Gtk-WARNING **: 10:18:30.648: TextFontStyleAction: missing action TextFontStyleAction

(inkscape:8417): Gtk-WARNING **: 10:18:30.648: TextOuterStyleAction: missing action TextOuterStyleAction

(inkscape:8417): Gtk-WARNING **: 10:18:30.648: TextFontSizeAction: missing action TextFontSizeAction

(inkscape:8417): Gtk-WARNING **: 10:18:30.648: TextLineHeightAction: missing action TextLineHeightAction

(inkscape:8417): Gtk-WARNING **: 10:18:30.648: TextLineHeightUnitsAction: missing action TextLineHeightUnitsAction

(inkscape:8417): Gtk-WARNING **: 10:18:30.648: TextLineHeightUnsetAction: missing action TextLineHeightUnsetAction

(inkscape:8417): Gtk-WARNING **: 10:18:30.648: TextAlignAction: missing action TextAlignAction

(inkscape:8417): Gtk-WARNING **: 10:18:30.648: TextSuperscriptAction: missing action TextSuperscriptAction

(inkscape:8417): Gtk-WARNING **: 10:18:30.649: TextSubscriptAction: missing action TextSubscriptAction

(inkscape:8417): Gtk-WARNING **: 10:18:30.649: TextLetterSpacingAction: missing action TextLetterSpacingAction

(inkscape:8417): Gtk-WARNING **: 10:18:30.649: TextWordSpacingAction: missing action TextWordSpacingAction

(inkscape:8417): Gtk-WARNING **: 10:18:30.649: TextDxAction: missing action TextDxAction

(inkscape:8417): Gtk-WARNING **: 10:18:30.649: TextDyAction: missing action TextDyAction

(inkscape:8417): Gtk-WARNING **: 10:18:30.649: TextRotationAction: missing action TextRotationAction

(inkscape:8417): Gtk-WARNING **: 10:18:30.649: TextWritingModeAction: missing action TextWritingModeAction

(inkscape:8417): Gtk-WARNING **: 10:18:30.649: TextOrientationAction: missing action TextOrientationAction

(inkscape:8417): Gtk-WARNING **: 10:18:30.652: GradientNewTypeAction: missing action GradientNewTypeAction

(inkscape:8417): Gtk-WARNING **: 10:18:30.652: GradientNewFillStrokeAction: missing action GradientNewFillStrokeAction

(inkscape:8417): Gtk-WARNING **: 10:18:30.652: GradientSelectGradientAction: missing action GradientSelectGradientAction

(inkscape:8417): Gtk-WARNING **: 10:18:30.652: GradientEditLinkAction: missing action GradientEditLinkAction

(inkscape:8417): Gtk-WARNING **: 10:18:30.652: GradientEditReverseAction: missing action GradientEditReverseAction

(inkscape:8417): Gtk-WARNING **: 10:18:30.652: GradientSelectRepeatAction: missing action GradientSelectRepeatAction

(inkscape:8417): Gtk-WARNING **: 10:18:30.652: GradientEditStopsAction: missing action GradientEditStopsAction

(inkscape:8417): Gtk-WARNING **: 10:18:30.652: GradientEditOffsetAction: missing action GradientEditOffsetAction

(inkscape:8417): Gtk-WARNING **: 10:18:30.652: GradientEditAddAction: missing action GradientEditAddAction

(inkscape:8417): Gtk-WARNING **: 10:18:30.652: GradientEditDeleteAction: missing action GradientEditDeleteAction

(inkscape:8417): Gtk-WARNING **: 10:18:30.652: MeshNewTypeAction: missing action MeshNewTypeAction

(inkscape:8417): Gtk-WARNING **: 10:18:30.652: MeshNewFillStrokeAction: missing action MeshNewFillStrokeAction

(inkscape:8417): Gtk-WARNING **: 10:18:30.652: MeshRowAction: missing action MeshRowAction

(inkscape:8417): Gtk-WARNING **: 10:18:30.652: MeshColumnAction: missing action MeshColumnAction

(inkscape:8417): Gtk-WARNING **: 10:18:30.652: MeshToggleSidesAction: missing action MeshToggleSidesAction

(inkscape:8417): Gtk-WARNING **: 10:18:30.652: MeshMakeEllipticalAction: missing action MeshMakeEllipticalAction

(inkscape:8417): Gtk-WARNING **: 10:18:30.653: MeshPickColorsAction: missing action MeshPickColorsAction

(inkscape:8417): Gtk-WARNING **: 10:18:30.653: MeshFitInBoundingBoxAction: missing action MeshFitInBoundingBoxAction

(inkscape:8417): Gtk-WARNING **: 10:18:30.653: MeshShowHandlesAction: missing action MeshShowHandlesAction

(inkscape:8417): Gtk-WARNING **: 10:18:30.653: MeshEditFillAction: missing action MeshEditFillAction

(inkscape:8417): Gtk-WARNING **: 10:18:30.653: MeshEditStrokeAction: missing action MeshEditStrokeAction

(inkscape:8417): Gtk-WARNING **: 10:18:30.653: MeshWarningAction: missing action MeshWarningAction

(inkscape:8417): Gtk-WARNING **: 10:18:30.653: MeshSmoothAction: missing action MeshSmoothAction

(inkscape:8417): Gtk-WARNING **: 10:18:30.653: DropperOpacityAction: missing action DropperOpacityAction

(inkscape:8417): Gtk-WARNING **: 10:18:30.653: DropperPickAlphaAction: missing action DropperPickAlphaAction

(inkscape:8417): Gtk-WARNING **: 10:18:30.653: DropperSetAlphaAction: missing action DropperSetAlphaAction

(inkscape:8417): Gtk-WARNING **: 10:18:30.653: ConnectorAvoidAction: missing action ConnectorAvoidAction

(inkscape:8417): Gtk-WARNING **: 10:18:30.653: ConnectorIgnoreAction: missing action ConnectorIgnoreAction

(inkscape:8417): Gtk-WARNING **: 10:18:30.653: ConnectorOrthogonalAction: missing action ConnectorOrthogonalAction

(inkscape:8417): Gtk-WARNING **: 10:18:30.653: ConnectorCurvatureAction: missing action ConnectorCurvatureAction

(inkscape:8417): Gtk-WARNING **: 10:18:30.653: ConnectorSpacingAction: missing action ConnectorSpacingAction

(inkscape:8417): Gtk-WARNING **: 10:18:30.653: ConnectorGraphAction: missing action ConnectorGraphAction

(inkscape:8417): Gtk-WARNING **: 10:18:30.653: ConnectorLengthAction: missing action ConnectorLengthAction

(inkscape:8417): Gtk-WARNING **: 10:18:30.653: ConnectorDirectedAction: missing action ConnectorDirectedAction

(inkscape:8417): Gtk-WARNING **: 10:18:30.653: ConnectorOverlapAction: missing action ConnectorOverlapAction

[1]+  Abort trap: 6           LANG=C inkscape

EDIT @ 10h40

Tried something mentioned by another issue:

iHack-de-Rafael:~ requeijaum$ brew reinstall --build-from-source fontconfig
==> Reinstalling fontconfig 
==> Downloading
######################################################################## 100.0%
==> ./configure --disable-silent-rules --enable-static --with-add-fonts=/System/
==> make install RUN_FC_CACHE_TEST=false
==> Regenerating font cache, this may take a while
==> /usr/local/Cellar/fontconfig/2.12.6/bin/fc-cache -frv
  /usr/local/Cellar/fontconfig/2.12.6: 474 files, 3.1MB, built in 16 minutes 56 seconds
iHack-de-Rafael:~ requeijaum$ inkscape &
[1] 18222
iHack-de-Rafael:~ requeijaum$ libc++abi.dylib: terminating with uncaught exception of type Glib::ConvertError

Nope... same error.

simongregorebner commented 6 years ago

seeing exactly the same issue

douglasjunior commented 6 years ago

@requeijaum same problem here, did you solve it?

requeijaum commented 6 years ago

Nope. Just downloaded the macOS (DMG packed binary) version at Inkscape's website.

Rafael Felix Silva Requião

+55 71 9 9283 6190

2018-04-02 16:24 GMT-03:00 Douglas Nassif Roma Junior <>:

@requeijaum same problem here, did you solve it?

— You are receiving this because you were mentioned. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or mute the thread .

zmiceruk commented 6 years ago

Same issue here. Deleted config and cache files, exported LANG=C, tried running as root - not luck. The same error as other people observe. Trying to run it on Mac High Siera

0x2b3bfa0 commented 6 years ago

What happens if you delete, move or rename share/inkscape/ui/select-toolbar.ui?

twogee commented 6 years ago

There is no such file AFAICS.

zmiceruk commented 6 years ago

I only have keybindings.rc menus-bars.xml style.css toolbox.xml units.xml files in that directory.

0x2b3bfa0 commented 6 years ago

Well, maybe is because I'm building master branch with GTK+3 and Quartz. I have a bunch of .uifiles there.

Can you copy bin/inkscape to your desktop or another unexpected location and run it from there?

zmiceruk commented 6 years ago

Hi - tried as you asked - moved /usr/local/Cellar/inkscape/ to a different location and tried running it from there. I still get the same error. Running it from Quartz terminal produces the same result.

0x2b3bfa0 commented 6 years ago

What I meant is to copy only the main executable (/usr/local/Cellar/inkscape/*/bin/inkscape) to some other path in your computer and run it from there.

Like this:

cp /usr/local/Cellar/inkscape/*/bin/inkscape /Users/$USER/Desktop/myexecutable
cd  /Users/$USER/Desktop
0x2b3bfa0 commented 6 years ago

Do you mean xterm from XQuartz when you refer to the Quartz terminal?

zmiceruk commented 6 years ago

yes - xterm. Copying just executable doesn't work neither. I get

dyld: Library not loaded: @rpath/libinkscape_base.dylib

On 9 April 2018 at 13:00, Helio Machado wrote:

Do you mean xterm from XQuartz when you refer to the Quartz terminal?

— You are receiving this because you commented. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or mute the thread .

0x2b3bfa0 commented 6 years ago

Seems like the libraries were linked with some sort of relative path. The thing that I want to test is the execution of Inkscape in the absence of share. Maybe can you simply run it normally from the prefix but renaming share?

zmiceruk commented 6 years ago

Ok - I've renamed share to share_old in /usr/local/Cellar/inkscape/0.92.2_1 and got a different error: (process:21681): WARNING : 13:16:09.888: Units file /usr/local/Cellar/inkscape/0.92.2_1/share/inkscape/ui/units.xml is missing: Failed to open file ?/usr/local/Cellar/inkscape/0.92.2_1/share/inkscape/ui/units.xml?: No such file or directory

2018-04-09 13:16:10.031 inkscape[21681:444755] *** WARNING: Method userSpaceScaleFactor in class NSView is deprecated on 10.7 and later. It should not be used in new applications. Use convertRectToBacking: instead.

(inkscape:21681): WARNING : 13:16:10.087: Unable to open PowerPoint fontfix file: /usr/local/Cellar/inkscape/0.92.2_1/share/inkscape/extensions/fontfix.conf PowerPoint ungrouping compensation in WMF/EMF export will not be available.

(inkscape:21681): WARNING : 13:16:10.155: Can't open file: /usr/local/Cellar/inkscape/0.92.2_1/share/inkscape/keys/default.xml (doesn't exist)

(inkscape:21681): WARNING : 13:16:10.155: Unable to read keys file /usr/local/Cellar/inkscape/0.92.2_1/share/inkscape/keys/default.xml Unable to find: Unable to find: Unable to find: Unable to find: Unable to find: Unable to find: Unable to find: Unable to find:

(inkscape:21681): WARNING : 13:16:10.785: Null pixbuf for 0x7fe2d69d4590 [/usr/local/Cellar/inkscape/0.92.2_1/share/inkscape/icons/remove-color.png]

(inkscape:21681): GdkPixbuf-CRITICAL **: 13:16:10.785: gdk_pixbuf_get_width: assertion 'GDK_IS_PIXBUF (pixbuf)' failed

(inkscape:21681): GdkPixbuf-CRITICAL **: 13:16:10.785: gdk_pixbuf_get_height: assertion 'GDK_IS_PIXBUF (pixbuf)' failed

(inkscape:21681): WARNING : 13:16:10.805: Did not find old unit

(inkscape:21681): WARNING : 13:16:10.807: Did not find old unit

(inkscape:21681): WARNING : 13:16:10.811: Did not find old unit

(inkscape:21681): WARNING : 13:16:10.812: Did not find old unit

(inkscape:21681): WARNING : 13:16:10.817: Did not find old unit

(inkscape:21681): CRITICAL : 13:16:10.817: void sp_lpetool_toolbox_prep(SPDesktop , GtkActionGroup , GObject *): assertion 'unit != NULL' failed libc++abi.dylib: terminating with uncaught exception of type Glib::ConvertError

Emergency save activated! Emergency save completed. Inkscape will close now. If you can reproduce this crash, please file a bug at with a detailed description of the steps leading to the crash, so we can fix it.

(inkscape:21681): CRITICAL : 13:16:11.012: void sp_rtb_value_changed(GtkAdjustment , GObject , const gchar , void (SPRect::)(gdouble)): assertion 'unit != NULL' failed

(inkscape:21681): CRITICAL : 13:16:11.013: void sp_rtb_value_changed(GtkAdjustment , GObject , const gchar , void (SPRect::)(gdouble)): assertion 'unit != NULL' failed

(inkscape:21681): CRITICAL : 13:16:11.013: void sp_rtb_value_changed(GtkAdjustment , GObject , const gchar , void (SPRect::)(gdouble)): assertion 'unit != NULL' failed

(inkscape:21681): CRITICAL : 13:16:11.013: void sp_rtb_value_changed(GtkAdjustment , GObject , const gchar , void (SPRect::)(gdouble)): assertion 'unit != NULL' failed

(inkscape:21681): CRITICAL : 13:16:11.013: void sp_rtb_value_changed(GtkAdjustment , GObject , const gchar , void (SPRect::)(gdouble)): assertion 'unit != NULL' failed

(inkscape:21681): CRITICAL : 13:16:11.014: void sp_rtb_value_changed(GtkAdjustment , GObject , const gchar , void (SPRect::)(gdouble)): assertion 'unit != NULL' failed

(inkscape:21681): CRITICAL : 13:16:11.014: void sp_rtb_value_changed(GtkAdjustment , GObject , const gchar , void (SPRect::)(gdouble)): assertion 'unit != NULL' failed

(inkscape:21681): CRITICAL : 13:16:11.014: void sp_rtb_value_changed(GtkAdjustment , GObject , const gchar , void (SPRect::)(gdouble)): assertion 'unit != NULL' failed

(inkscape:21681): Gtk-WARNING **: 13:16:11.029: ChannelsAction: missing action ChannelsAction

(inkscape:21681): Gtk-WARNING **: 13:16:11.029: ThresholdAction: missing action ThresholdAction

(inkscape:21681): Gtk-WARNING **: 13:16:11.029: OffsetAction: missing action OffsetAction

(inkscape:21681): Gtk-WARNING **: 13:16:11.029: PaintbucketUnitsAction: missing action PaintbucketUnitsAction

(inkscape:21681): Gtk-WARNING **: 13:16:11.029: AutoGapAction: missing action AutoGapAction

(inkscape:21681): Gtk-WARNING **: 13:16:11.029: PaintbucketResetAction: missing action PaintbucketResetAction

(inkscape:21681): Gtk-WARNING **: 13:16:11.085: TextFontStyleAction: missing action TextFontStyleAction

(inkscape:21681): Gtk-WARNING **: 13:16:11.085: TextOuterStyleAction: missing action TextOuterStyleAction

(inkscape:21681): Gtk-WARNING **: 13:16:11.085: TextFontSizeAction: missing action TextFontSizeAction

(inkscape:21681): Gtk-WARNING **: 13:16:11.085: TextLineHeightAction: missing action TextLineHeightAction

(inkscape:21681): Gtk-WARNING **: 13:16:11.085: TextLineHeightUnitsAction: missing action TextLineHeightUnitsAction

(inkscape:21681): Gtk-WARNING **: 13:16:11.085: TextLineHeightUnsetAction: missing action TextLineHeightUnsetAction

(inkscape:21681): Gtk-WARNING **: 13:16:11.085: TextAlignAction: missing action TextAlignAction

(inkscape:21681): Gtk-WARNING **: 13:16:11.085: TextSuperscriptAction: missing action TextSuperscriptAction

(inkscape:21681): Gtk-WARNING **: 13:16:11.085: TextSubscriptAction: missing action TextSubscriptAction

(inkscape:21681): Gtk-WARNING **: 13:16:11.085: TextLetterSpacingAction: missing action TextLetterSpacingAction

(inkscape:21681): Gtk-WARNING **: 13:16:11.085: TextWordSpacingAction: missing action TextWordSpacingAction

(inkscape:21681): Gtk-WARNING **: 13:16:11.085: TextDxAction: missing action TextDxAction

(inkscape:21681): Gtk-WARNING **: 13:16:11.085: TextDyAction: missing action TextDyAction

(inkscape:21681): Gtk-WARNING **: 13:16:11.085: TextRotationAction: missing action TextRotationAction

(inkscape:21681): Gtk-WARNING **: 13:16:11.085: TextWritingModeAction: missing action TextWritingModeAction

(inkscape:21681): Gtk-WARNING **: 13:16:11.085: TextOrientationAction: missing action TextOrientationAction

(inkscape:21681): Gtk-WARNING **: 13:16:11.085: LPEToolModeAction: missing action LPEToolModeAction

(inkscape:21681): Gtk-WARNING **: 13:16:11.085: LPEShowBBoxAction: missing action LPEShowBBoxAction

(inkscape:21681): Gtk-WARNING **: 13:16:11.085: LPEBBoxFromSelectionAction: missing action LPEBBoxFromSelectionAction

(inkscape:21681): Gtk-WARNING **: 13:16:11.085: LPELineSegmentAction: missing action LPELineSegmentAction

(inkscape:21681): Gtk-WARNING **: 13:16:11.085: LPEMeasuringAction: missing action LPEMeasuringAction

(inkscape:21681): Gtk-WARNING **: 13:16:11.085: LPEToolUnitsAction: missing action LPEToolUnitsAction

(inkscape:21681): Gtk-WARNING **: 13:16:11.085: LPEOpenLPEDialogAction: missing action LPEOpenLPEDialogAction

(inkscape:21681): Gtk-WARNING **: 13:16:11.085: GradientNewTypeAction: missing action GradientNewTypeAction

(inkscape:21681): Gtk-WARNING **: 13:16:11.085: GradientNewFillStrokeAction: missing action GradientNewFillStrokeAction

(inkscape:21681): Gtk-WARNING **: 13:16:11.085: GradientSelectGradientAction: missing action GradientSelectGradientAction

(inkscape:21681): Gtk-WARNING **: 13:16:11.085: GradientEditLinkAction: missing action GradientEditLinkAction

(inkscape:21681): Gtk-WARNING **: 13:16:11.085: GradientEditReverseAction: missing action GradientEditReverseAction

(inkscape:21681): Gtk-WARNING **: 13:16:11.085: GradientSelectRepeatAction: missing action GradientSelectRepeatAction

(inkscape:21681): Gtk-WARNING **: 13:16:11.085: GradientEditStopsAction: missing action GradientEditStopsAction

(inkscape:21681): Gtk-WARNING **: 13:16:11.085: GradientEditOffsetAction: missing action GradientEditOffsetAction

(inkscape:21681): Gtk-WARNING **: 13:16:11.085: GradientEditAddAction: missing action GradientEditAddAction

(inkscape:21681): Gtk-WARNING **: 13:16:11.085: GradientEditDeleteAction: missing action GradientEditDeleteAction

(inkscape:21681): Gtk-WARNING **: 13:16:11.085: MeshNewTypeAction: missing action MeshNewTypeAction

(inkscape:21681): Gtk-WARNING **: 13:16:11.085: MeshNewFillStrokeAction: missing action MeshNewFillStrokeAction

(inkscape:21681): Gtk-WARNING **: 13:16:11.085: MeshRowAction: missing action MeshRowAction

(inkscape:21681): Gtk-WARNING **: 13:16:11.085: MeshColumnAction: missing action MeshColumnAction

(inkscape:21681): Gtk-WARNING **: 13:16:11.085: MeshToggleSidesAction: missing action MeshToggleSidesAction

(inkscape:21681): Gtk-WARNING **: 13:16:11.085: MeshMakeEllipticalAction: missing action MeshMakeEllipticalAction

(inkscape:21681): Gtk-WARNING **: 13:16:11.085: MeshPickColorsAction: missing action MeshPickColorsAction

(inkscape:21681): Gtk-WARNING **: 13:16:11.085: MeshFitInBoundingBoxAction: missing action MeshFitInBoundingBoxAction

(inkscape:21681): Gtk-WARNING **: 13:16:11.085: MeshShowHandlesAction: missing action MeshShowHandlesAction

(inkscape:21681): Gtk-WARNING **: 13:16:11.086: MeshEditFillAction: missing action MeshEditFillAction

(inkscape:21681): Gtk-WARNING **: 13:16:11.086: MeshEditStrokeAction: missing action MeshEditStrokeAction

(inkscape:21681): Gtk-WARNING **: 13:16:11.086: MeshWarningAction: missing action MeshWarningAction

(inkscape:21681): Gtk-WARNING **: 13:16:11.086: MeshSmoothAction: missing action MeshSmoothAction

(inkscape:21681): Gtk-WARNING **: 13:16:11.086: DropperOpacityAction: missing action DropperOpacityAction

(inkscape:21681): Gtk-WARNING **: 13:16:11.086: DropperPickAlphaAction: missing action DropperPickAlphaAction

(inkscape:21681): Gtk-WARNING **: 13:16:11.086: DropperSetAlphaAction: missing action DropperSetAlphaAction

(inkscape:21681): Gtk-WARNING **: 13:16:11.086: ConnectorAvoidAction: missing action ConnectorAvoidAction

(inkscape:21681): Gtk-WARNING **: 13:16:11.086: ConnectorIgnoreAction: missing action ConnectorIgnoreAction

(inkscape:21681): Gtk-WARNING **: 13:16:11.086: ConnectorOrthogonalAction: missing action ConnectorOrthogonalAction

(inkscape:21681): Gtk-WARNING **: 13:16:11.086: ConnectorCurvatureAction: missing action ConnectorCurvatureAction

(inkscape:21681): Gtk-WARNING **: 13:16:11.086: ConnectorSpacingAction: missing action ConnectorSpacingAction

(inkscape:21681): Gtk-WARNING **: 13:16:11.086: ConnectorGraphAction: missing action ConnectorGraphAction

(inkscape:21681): Gtk-WARNING **: 13:16:11.086: ConnectorLengthAction: missing action ConnectorLengthAction

(inkscape:21681): Gtk-WARNING **: 13:16:11.086: ConnectorDirectedAction: missing action ConnectorDirectedAction

(inkscape:21681): Gtk-WARNING **: 13:16:11.086: ConnectorOverlapAction: missing action ConnectorOverlapAction

0x2b3bfa0 commented 6 years ago

Well, sorry for making you spend all that time on this. Seems like my workaround doesn't solve your specific case.

What I can say is that the crash is so frequent in different scenarios. This is my first time dealing with the inkscape internals, and I can't help you to debug the problem, however there are many developers who know exactly how to diagnose the crash.

zmiceruk commented 6 years ago

Ok - thank you for trying.

wzr1337 commented 5 years ago

$ export LANG=en_US worked for me too

marvec commented 5 years ago

I had to upgrade glibmm from 2.54.1 to 2.58.0 which contains fix from using brew upgrade glibmm. Now inkscape works.

mittimithai commented 5 years ago

I've still got this issue after installing from brew.

macOS High Sierra 10.13.6

FWIW glibmm: stable 2.60.0 (bottled)

rfritz commented 4 years ago

I was having this issue. I removed .config/gtk-2.0/, .config/inkscape/, .cache/fontconfig/, .cache/inkscape/ and set the LANG variable, and it started.

Not sure which change did the trick. MacOS 10.14.6.