casouri / vundo

Visualize the undo tree.
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Idea: on-demand quick-drawing to mitigate long-line issues #106

Open jdtsmith opened 9 months ago

jdtsmith commented 9 months ago

As outlined in #68, when undo chains get quite lengthy (exacerbated by saving undo history), vundo and emacs in general slow down. It's highly sensitive to line length (M-: (current-column) tells you how long your lines are). Once past say 5k-10k columns, slowdown becomes apparent, and at >20k it becomes very noticeable, not just in vundo, but in all buffers while vundo is open. We increased the draw speed by ~10x in da90207, but that only affects how quickly vundo is drawn, not the slow-down from having such long lines around at all.

Here is an idea to mitigate this: