casouri / vundo

Visualize the undo tree.
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[picky] `vundo--mode-map` should not use double hyphen #15

Closed ideasman42 closed 2 years ago

ideasman42 commented 2 years ago

By convention double-dash is for internal/private symbols, in the case of key-maps - this is something users are likely to want to customize.

Suggest to name this vundo-mode-map.

casouri commented 2 years ago

I initially intended vundo--mode to be private. But that's probably a mistake that should be corrected sooner than later. I'll change that to single dash after we sort out #14.

casouri commented 2 years ago

I've renamed vundo--mode to vundo-mode.

ideasman42 commented 2 years ago

Thanks (for some reason this didn't auto-close).