casouri / vundo

Visualize the undo tree.
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[FR/Suggestion] vundo-forward and backward bring up vundo buffer #42

Closed Inc0n closed 2 years ago

Inc0n commented 2 years ago


I uses evil, and u & C-r keys are for undo and redo for me respectively.

Right now, it doesn't seem it is possible to bring up the vundo buffer and undo or redo right away.

If in the future there is to be integration with the evil-undo-system, IMO, it would then be beneficial to implement something like this. Such that the following would be possible:

(setq evil-undo-function #'vundo-forward
        evil-redo-function #'vundo-backward)

What is your recommendation for this?

Thank you

casouri commented 2 years ago

You can just use normal undo commands: undo, undo-only,undo-redo. Vundo-forward/backward are just for moving in the visual tree.

casouri commented 2 years ago

Ok, I think I know you mean. Why do you want to show the tree on every undo? You would need to somehow close the vundo buffer after every undo you do and I imagine that to be quite tedious.

Inc0n commented 2 years ago

Ah yes silly me, I see what you mean. You are right, it would be quite tedious (closing the buffer and a small but noticable delay on vundo), I must admit I haven't been this package for long yet.

I think I will use vundo for visualizing the tree undo history. Haha, going to use this package as intended.