casparss / racket-meetup-mobile

Racket Meetup is a tennis social media app built in Typescript with Angular 5 on Ionic 4
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Games com #19

Closed casparss closed 6 years ago

casparss commented 7 years ago


Now the availability component is working and meshing both users availabilities, the date and time selection should be integrated into it with the following inputs and behaviour:

Games summary

Profile screen now needs to show 3 upcoming games/events max with a show more button to access the full games screen below. The games card needs to be a miniature list style version like the left design here

Clicking on a game card on either profile or games screen will open up the game instance itself. There should also be a view more button at the bottom. Also, there should be a games action that takes you to that players games.


All games

All Games is now covered under it's own ticket #26

View game

The game instance screen will be similar to the challenge screen, with some action buttons with: Cancel, played/record result, comment. Will also want an activity component displaying all pertinent activity such as edits/change details, comments, recording score, cancellations etc.


Stretch goals


To make the user aware of pending games, badges applied to the 'Profile' tab button on the main menu and to the 'Games' 'Actions' button on the 'Profile' tab. The badge count will represent the number of games that need attention i.e. that are awaiting action from you. Games that are awaiting action from other users will not be counted. Perhaps a second green badge on the 'Games' 'Actions' button representing upcoming games might be cool too and even further a yellow bad representing games that are pending other user actions might be cool, but also might be confusing so need to test out.


casparss commented 6 years ago

Closing, feature is nearly complete con pledge, pick up last bits in big ticket