casparss / racket-meetup-mobile

Racket Meetup is a tennis social media app built in Typescript with Angular 5 on Ionic 4
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Main feature story for clubs development #48

Open casparss opened 6 years ago

casparss commented 6 years ago

My clubs

This will just be a property on the user model, so no API call will be necessary when loading the tab. Display a simple list of the club objects very simple. Any adds/removals will trigger an API call from the user service

Add to my clubs button

Should work exactly like the follow player button works

Clubs stats

Need to define what should even be displayed here: matches played, matches upcoming, players

Players summary component

Club model when requested will have a summary property which is essentially a virtual property which grabs the last 5 to 10 players photos and IDs to be used on the summary component

Player component

Display all players from the club, this will be an API call to display the rest of the users from the club. Will require another endpoint which you pass the club ID to and it will populate the players property to return to the client. Lazy loading might be a good idea here, you can reuse the logic from games to do this. Filtering would be a nice stretch goal to add to the endpoint.

The followers client component will either need modifying or refactoring to a more general player listing component.


For now the rankings component just needs to query the api for rankings by club. Component will be basic, but that will do for MVP


Google map with location of club as a pin, then panel below with contact options like calling/emailing AND buttons for opening a google/Apple map directions to get there. Should be done so that the UI is usable as the google map is loading, because it is secondary to the panel info and buttons really


Will use the current games component leaving the 'pending' tab off the screen. This will require some modifications to the current games-get controller and action to allow games to be fetched by club instead.

Stretch goal: allow the games lister to display in a condensed list fashion to allow more games to display on each list

Matches summary component

Summary component doesn't really need to be modified, just the API call to the games endpoint needs adapting to query by clubs, this however should be done