casper-ecosystem / developer-rewards

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Feature Request: Concept for Integration of AI Support System with Casper Developer Portal #4

Closed NicolasZoellner closed 1 year ago

NicolasZoellner commented 1 year ago

Dev Reward Title

Prepare a general Concept for an Integration of an AI support system with Casper Developer Portal

Reward Size

350 USD

Reward category



The main objective of this DevReward is to develop a comprehensive concept for integrating GPT-4 or a comparable AI model as a support tool for the Casper Developer Portal ( by utilizing all available internal data.

The expected concept includes the following steps, which should be considered in terms of budgeting and planning:

The acceptance criteria for the AI integration in the Casper Developer Portal are as follows:

Acceptance Criteria

To develop a comprehensive concept for the desired outcome, the following tasks should be included:

NicolasZoellner commented 1 year ago

Develop a concept about:


GuybrushX commented 1 year ago

TLDR: Here is a "Playground" of an already fully working sample using the current docs based on the Casper Docs GitHub Repo:

I think with this very small budget this is a lot what you get already!

I talked to another developer who did build an AI integration for another blockchain project which is also based on Docusaurus (IIRC) but this is all programmed manually and specific to the project. That is done in his free time - otherwise this would be far too expensive. For now his solution is also not portable to other projects.

The main difference is that with a custom solution you can e. g. ask the current block height or other custom and dynamic things but that is not needed nor useful for now and needs custom programming and ongoing maintenance.

So the concept looks like this

Known limitations of markprompt




I'm sure there is more to add here but I would prefer to talk to someone who can answer some questions or even has questions which I can answer 🙂

NicolasZoellner commented 1 year ago

The concept was introduced by GuybrushX on 22.06.23 to the Casper Association, and all open questions could have been answered. The concept is now completed and will be taken into further consideration within the Casper Association. Therefore, the DevReward will be changed from Open to Completed. Thank you for your participation, GuybrushX!