casperdcl / deploy-pypi

Securely build and upload Python distributions to PyPI
15 stars 2 forks source link

Security question #6

Closed flooie closed 3 years ago

flooie commented 3 years ago

@casperdcl Thank you for sharing this action.

I want to ask if you considered whether someone could take over this action and inject malicious code into a project build? If so, is the safest course of action forking this project in your opinion?

casperdcl commented 3 years ago


Really if you are developing a security-sensitive application I would stay well away from any cloud-based CI/CD provider and just build everything locally.

mlissner commented 3 years ago

I work with @flooie, so we're having some conversations about this offline, but I wonder if it's worth tweaking the readme to encourage folks to fork the repo instead of using it directly in their actions.

The description for this project says that it's "secure", but people may not realize that using it puts their trust in your diligence, honesty, paranoia, etc.

For us, there's a big difference between trusting an organization like Github to do CI/CD, and trusting somebody that just happens to have posted some code. Github has lots of skin in the game and would have hell on their shoulders if something went wrong in the Github Actions pipeline. You're just a friendly person (I think).

Would you be open to a PR recommending folks fork the repo instead of using it directly?

casperdcl commented 3 years ago

Hmm. Faith in my continued friendliness notwithstanding, I don't know if forking this project is more secure than using it directly. If anything, it's less secure.

I believe this is the point of open source projects on (of which this repo is a part of).

Regarding me potentially turning evil and deliberately pushing malicious code to this action (I think this is your only fear?) the result would be the same as if I accidentally pushed malicious code:

I believe this is the point of open source projects.

To clarify, I think

If you don't trust the code in this repo, then forking it won't help. If you do trust the code in this repo at a particular point in time because you have read & reviewed the code, and you would like to avoid exposing yourself to potentially harmful future changes (and future fixes), then instead of

- uses: casperdcl/deploy-pypi@v1

you could directly use the commit which you trust, currently:

- uses: casperdcl/deploy-pypi@2a65036fc8fc508613948b629e7ebb9ace717720

This should be as "safe" as forking with the added benefit of being easier to manage (and also recommended by You'd have to closely monitor the original repo for bug/security fixes and manually update the commit hash when needed. My understanding is any user who wants to do this doesn't need instructions.

You make a distinction between

I would strongly argue that there is a third category, which is

This latter category is identical to "trusting somebody that regularly posts news," which aptly describes the most recent post on I agree with that article - someone who regularly posts is indeed often more trustworthy than an organisation - they have more experience that the average employee of said org, yet lack a large legal team to protect them if they make a mistake, so are more likely to be very careful.

I actively develop a lot of other open source repos which are downloaded millions of times a month so if I'm a dog everyone's barked.

mlissner commented 3 years ago

I appreciate the lengthy reply, thank you. You're right that there's a lot to be gained by centralizing risk, and I apologize for not looking at your profile sooner.

I think we'll move away from using our fork and instead take your advice about using a commit to lock into a particular release. I wonder if there's a benefit to moving this conversation to the readme in a short section called "Trust", that'd just say, "How can you trust this action?", and then explain as above.

casperdcl commented 3 years ago

@mlissner @flooie thanks for your input - just released v2 of this action which adds several new features and makes things even easier to review.

flooie commented 3 years ago

@casperdcl thank you.