Hmm… I really like the popover in the icon, but I wonder if we should try to stick with a more Noto-esque emoji? Mostly because that's the actual emoji set that will get inserted, so it feels a little weird to deviate from it. I know that makes it a pain to scale at all the different sizes, though. :grimacing:
I will at least give this one a try for a bit and see how it feels.
Hmm… I really like the popover in the icon, but I wonder if we should try to stick with a more Noto-esque emoji? Mostly because that's the actual emoji set that will get inserted, so it feels a little weird to deviate from it. I know that makes it a pain to scale at all the different sizes, though. :grimacing:
I will at least give this one a try for a bit and see how it feels.