cassiomo / IOSTwitter

IOS client for twitter
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Intro to iOS CodePath Assignment #3 - Twitter client #1

Open cassiomo opened 8 years ago

cassiomo commented 8 years ago

My App is not able to be completed. Please review /cc @codepath /cc @codepathreview /cc @thecodepath

I am not able to complete the required feature on time....

codepathreview commented 8 years ago

All right, I played with your half finished app for a while. There is something weird going on before Twitter auth, you see the timeline already show up and then Safari being opened. You trigger the loginSegue twice. This is because first you trigger it because it is hooked up to the Login with Twitter button, whereas this should not be the case. Then after a successful login, you trigger it via the code a second time.

Delete theloginSegue, and create it from the View Controller to the NavigationController. Right click - drag like here: Call it loginSegue again and you should be good. Lots of autolayout work to do though :)

I suggest you finish the app a bit more, next week we do a more polished version of a twitter client and then it is handing to have this one finished.

-- dirk

cassiomo commented 8 years ago

Thanks, will do!

codepathreview commented 8 years ago

:+1: nice work. The point of this homework was to explore a simple example of a full MVC application with a RESTful API. For each point in the homework feedback checklist, I'll either confirm that you're on the right track with the implementation, or I'll provide some feedback:

In general, you should challenge yourself to create visually polished applications. That's where you'll find all the rough edges of the iOS framework and earn the next level of mastery.

-- dirk

cassiomo commented 8 years ago

Thanks for a lot for the valuable comment.!!