Open castedo opened 3 months ago
I'm thinking that until there is another format other than DSGL, the formal section should keep it simple and just say the base DSI is a hash from DSGL. Then in the Discussion section I can go into how formats other than DSGL could be used in the future as long as they have some of the key properties of DSGL:
Maybe I should add some material to the DSGL spec mentioning how a datetime is in the init commit and thus a diff DSI is created every second (for the same set of signing keys).
The formal definition of edition 2.3 of the DSI spec (1wFGhvmv8XZfPx0O5Hya2e9AyXo/2.3) reads:
"The base DSI is a base64url representation of a 20-byte hash that identifies a data structure."
As @khinson points out in feedback, it's a rather weak statement, and I agree.
Some thoughts on improvement to follow below.