casteng / i-pascal

A free Object Pascal language plugin for IntelliJ IDEA
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Breakpoints are ignored when running in debug mode #21

Closed YourPsychiatrist closed 6 years ago

YourPsychiatrist commented 6 years ago

Whenever I add breakpoints within my program file and run the project in debug mode, the debugger runs through the whole program without suspension.

The console says

~"(no debugging symbols found) ...done.\n"

megahertz commented 6 years ago

Did you try to add -gl flag to fpc?

YourPsychiatrist commented 6 years ago

Yes, in university we have to use the flags -Mtp -gl -Criot!

megahertz commented 6 years ago

You can try to play with other fpc -g* flags, depending on your environment

YourPsychiatrist commented 6 years ago

Sadly that didn't help. But i found a stack trace in the IntelliJ log, hopefully that helps.

megahertz commented 6 years ago

Unfortunately, Java, especially IntelliJ SDK in not my strong point.

YourPsychiatrist commented 6 years ago

That, indeed, is unfortunate :/ Thanks for your time anyway!

casteng commented 6 years ago

Which version of the plugin and IntelliJ you are using? The exception probably is not the problem cause. This is:

~"(no debugging symbols found) ...done.\n"

Try to recompile source files.

YourPsychiatrist commented 6 years ago

IntelliJ: 2018.1 Public Preview Plugin: v1.40

Should I recompile the source files of my pascal program or the pascal plugin?

casteng commented 6 years ago

Please upgrade to I-Pascal v1.52. Didn't tested the plugin in 2018 though.

As for recompilation - i mean source of your program.