casteng / i-pascal

A free Object Pascal language plugin for IntelliJ IDEA
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Type errors are not detected #48

Closed jakobmats closed 4 years ago

jakobmats commented 4 years ago

When you try to compile this code you'll get a type error. However, there are no inspections available that could catch it.

program MyProgram;
  Str: string;
  Str := 1.0;

fpc detects such issues at compile time so technically it would be possible to parse compiler output and mark errors in the editor.

casteng commented 4 years ago

This is already done and will be available in next release.

jakobmats commented 4 years ago

The latest version available to download on the web page is 2.55 but the changelog lists features up to version 2.60. Is there any way I can download 2.60?

casteng commented 4 years ago

Not yet. 2.60 will be released soon.

casteng commented 4 years ago

v2.60 just released. Highlight hints and warnings as well.