castiron / cicregister

TYPO3 Front-end User Registration and Login (ExtBase/Fluid)
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Redirect error in TYPO3 6.1 #13

Closed electricretina closed 11 years ago

electricretina commented 11 years ago

I've been trying to get the login redirection working in TYPO3 6.1. Whenever a FE user logs in I get the following error:

Fatal error: Call to a member function getRedirectPid() on a non-object in /home/jgstewar/public_html/typo3conf/ext/cicregister/Classes/Controller/LoginController.php on line 139

It looks like the FrontendUserRepository isn't returning the user object. I've tried to sort it out but its beyond my skill. Any help would be appreciated.

zdavis commented 11 years ago

What is the type set to on the user record? For ExtBase's single table inheritance to work, the type on the object has to be set to cicregister. Edit the record in the backend, look for the type field, and let us know what you see.

I can't recall if cic_register restricts the available types in the backend out of the box, or if this is something we add to each of our installations

electricretina commented 11 years ago

Ok, I checked that it wasn't correct. I've been updating this site from TYPO3 4.7 -> 6.1 and I needed to set the record types on the user and the groups to CICRegister. With that done it no longer gives me a fatal error but now all I get is the TYPO3 error:

oops something when wrong. (see attachment)


There's no error in the log either. This smells of a fluid rendering issue. I'll look into some more though.

electricretina commented 11 years ago

So its not fluid. the error has to do with the user record. I've set the fe_use record type to cicregister but the login redirect process still fails when it tries to retrieve the user using the FrontEndUserRepository->findByUid($uid).

Is is possible that there is an incompatibility with TYPO3 6.1? The older 4.7 branch worked fine on my local dev machine.

Anyway I've had to give-up on using the extension, I just don't have the expertise to sort out the issue.

zdavis commented 11 years ago

Perhaps the group record... the type on those needs to be set as well. If you want to give us a backend login, we'd be happy to take a look at it for you (

We are using this on 6.1 sites now, without problems, so I suspect it's a configuration error. Agree, however, that the extension may not be for everyone. The use of single table inheritance, which causes some complexity due to the type fields, is important for our purposes because it allows us to implement our own fe_user model.
