castleproject / Core

Castle Core, including Castle DynamicProxy, Logging Services and DictionaryAdapter
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Proxy of proxy using mixins #608

Closed amoraller closed 2 years ago

amoraller commented 2 years ago


Why i can not create proxy of proxy using mixins?

    public interface I_Foo { }
    public class T_Foo : I_Foo { }
    public interface I_Bar { }
    public class T_Bar : I_Bar { } 

    public static class ProxyCreator() {

        static readonly ProxyGenerator pg = new ProxyGenerator();
        public static object Create()
            var obj = new object();
            var proxy1 = Add_Foo(obj);
            var proxy2 = Add_Bar(proxy1);
            return proxy2;
        public static object Add_Foo(object source)
            ProxyGenerationOptions options = new();
            options.AddMixinInstance(new T_Foo());
            return pg.CreateClassProxy<object>(options);
        public static object Add_Bar(object source)
            ProxyGenerationOptions options = new();
            options.AddMixinInstance(new T_Bar());
            return pg.CreateClassProxy<object>(options);

If i create second proxy i catch exeption

System.ArgumentException: "An item with the same key has already been added. Key: Castle.DynamicProxy.IProxyTargetAccessor"


jonorossi commented 2 years ago

@amoraller Can you please describe your scenario, proxying a proxy is not something I'd recommend.

amoraller commented 2 years ago

@jonorossi i want add interface and implementation for existing object at runtime. I have data source with IObservable<byte[]> implementation and i need create plugins for my app. Any plugin can modify behavior (with interceptor) or add interface implementation.

For example my usb device produced byte[] data, and plugins inspect specific data and send answer to device. User can enable plugin at runtime.

Sometime i use this code

public static IPrizrakDevice CreateDecorator(IPrizrakDevice @internal)
            var stateSaver = new QueuePrizrakDeviceImpl(@internal);
            var options = new ProxyGenerationOptions();
            Type[] interfaces = ProxyHelper.GetInterfaces(@internal);
            var proxy = pg.CreateInterfaceProxyWithTargetInterface(typeof(IPrizrakDevice), interfaces, @internal, options);
            return proxy as IPrizrakDevice;

     public static Type[] GetInterfaces(object source)
            IEnumerable<Type> interfaces = source.GetType().GetInterfaces();
            if (ProxyUtil.IsProxy(source))
                interfaces = interfaces.Where(p => p != typeof(IProxyTargetAccessor));
            return interfaces.ToArray();

As a workaround i want use Fluent Builder pattern or use Dictionary with behaviour extensions.