castorix / WinUI3_SwapChainPanel_Layered

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Need for transparent overlay advice #4

Open ramjke opened 1 year ago

ramjke commented 1 year ago

I need to display label ant attach TeachingTip to it

Hi Castorix. I'm looking for the way to display elements on the screen at custom coordinates (like label on the screenshot). Can you please advise the best way to do this? Do I need to create a full screen transparent click-through overlay to place items on?

castorix commented 1 year ago

Hi Castorix. I'm looking for the way to display elements on the screen at custom coordinates (like label on the screenshot). Can you please advise the best way to do this? Do I need to create a full screen transparent click-through overlay to place items on?

It depends on which elements need to be displayed In Win32, "Overlay" windows are usually done with borderless Layered windows (or with DirectComposition for a few years) (for just a message, "Tracking Tooltips" could be used too (with NULL or GetDesktopWindow() as parent))