castwide / vscode-solargraph

A Visual Studio Code extension for Solargraph.
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Hangs on starting the language server from solargraph version 0.34 and up #152

Closed Frydac closed 4 years ago

Frydac commented 4 years ago


While solargraph 0.33 and earlier work as expected, when I install solargraph versions 0.34, 0.35, 0.36, 0.37 and 0.38, then vscode prints in the status line: Starting the solargraph language server
with some animation, but never ends, and it doesn't work (e.g. no completions). I can see in my 'system monitor' that the solargraph executable has started. I'm on manjaro linux with

▶ code -v

▶ ruby -v                              
ruby 2.6.5p114 (2019-10-01 revision 67812) [x86_64-linux]

and extension information:

Name: Ruby Solargraph
Id: castwide.solargraph
Description: A Ruby language server featuring code completion, intellisense, and inline documentation
Version: 0.21.1
Publisher: Castwide
VS Marketplace Link:

When I install solargraph 0.33 I don't seem to have these problems.

(vim with coc.nvim coc-solargraph seems to have problems aswell with these versions, but I can't see any logs with errors there, or I don't know how to)

Any suggestions on how to debug this? Or maybe I should ask in the solargraph issues?

castwide commented 4 years ago

The extension worked for me on a Manjaro VM opening a workspace folder with a single empty .rb file. I used Ruby 2.6.3 and Solargraph 0.38.0. Can you see if that works for you? If it does, the problem might be specific to the workspace you're trying to open.

A couple things that could help you troubleshoot:

Frydac commented 4 years ago


On my work desktop, which runs all the same software afaik, solargraph 0.38 seems to work as expected. Not sure what is different at home. I just created a new folder with an empty test.rb file, and start typing File or String or so (when it doesn't hang of course) I'll close this for now, I'll figure it out, thanks