castwide / vscode-solargraph

A Visual Studio Code extension for Solargraph.
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Unable to disable symbols #64

Closed jcw- closed 6 years ago

jcw- commented 6 years ago

I'd like to use both the Ruby extension (for Intellisense because the Go to Definition is instant, as opposed to taking 2-3 seconds with Solargraph) and the Solargraph extension (for auto-complete, for those times where I'm fine manually invoking it and waiting for the popup), but this results in both providing the same symbols to VS Code, resulting in duplication.

Is it possible to configure vscode-solargraph to stop providing symbols so that the @ symbol lookup and new Outline feature doesn't double-up, while still serving auto-complete results?



castwide commented 6 years ago

The definition and symbol capabilities are enabled automatically on initialization. Currently there's no way to disable them, but the protocol supports dynamic registration for both. I'll add configuration options in the next version of the extension.

castwide commented 6 years ago

Extension version 0.17.5 adds the following boolean configuration options to let you cherry-pick which capabilities to enable:

All of the options default to true except formatting, autoformat, and diagnostics.

Incidentally, the latest gem includes improvements to go-to-definition that make it nearly instantaneous in many situations.

castwide commented 6 years ago

If anyone still has problems with the configuration options for capabilities, please open a new issue.