casualsnek / cassowary

Run Windows Applications on Linux as if they are native, Use linux applications to launch files files located in windows vm without needing to install applications on vm. With easy to use configuration GUI
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Custom python path in settings? #114

Open ameeno opened 1 year ago

ameeno commented 1 year ago


As a user of asdf python versions on my laptop, i often run into python version hell when running cassowary apps (the default is simply to use the "python" binary.

Due to cassowary's requirements for specific modules that do not exist in my userspace python versions (namely python-libvirt), my applications and cassowary do not work properly unless i make my python shim my system python version (which lives at /usr/bin/python).

it would be great if the advanced settings page had a "python binary location" setting so i could specificly tell cassowary to use /usr/bin/python when creating both cassowary shortcut and app shortcuts, otherwise, when i try and use apps from the .desktop files, they fail to start, as they are defaulting to my user session python version which is not what i want.

I can manually edit the .desktop files to achive this, but why not just allow me to set a python path for cassowary apps? or perhaps an env var?

thanks in advance.