casychow / DesktopPet_Eui

A small, mobile desk robot that helps alleviate the physical, emotional, and mental problems frequently faced by desk workers. This is my NYU Tandon Senior Design Project.
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one-time tasks that run at start up #10

Closed qyc206 closed 3 years ago

qyc206 commented 3 years ago
casychow commented 3 years ago

Cleaned up functions from by including parameters to prevent hardcoding pin values. Now, all pin values can be seen in

Changed the following functions (the following is not from a file, just a formatted view on github):

workTime() #wDuration parameter set to 25, replaced hardcoded time in work function
breakTime() #bDuration parameter set to 5, replaced hardcoded time in sleep function
setupBtnForTimer() #included timerPin parameter, replaced hardcoded pin
waitForBtnPress() #included timerPin parameter, replaced hardcoded pin
setupSound() #included soundPin parameter, replaced hardcoded pin
makeSound() #included soundPin parameter, replaced hardcoded pin
playMelody() #included soundPin parameter, replaced hardcoded pin
motorTest() #removed GPIO.setmode and GPIO.setwarnings functions bc we have them in
readDist() #removed GPIO.setmode and GPIO.setwarnings functions bc we have them in