catalinii / minisatip

minisatip is an SATIP server for linux using local DVB-S2, DVB-C, DVB-T or ATSC cards
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old tuners have problems with dvb-t2 requests #1122

Closed jyrts closed 3 months ago

jyrts commented 12 months ago

Mutant HD2400 has 4 physical swappable tuners. I am running minisatip on it.

Usually when a client requests a DVB-T2 stream, the request looks like: rtsp://@,791,18,391,0

This seems to be a problem for some older tuner (at least for Mutant HD2400) minisatip server. It expects the client request to be msys=DVBT2: rtsp://@,791,18,391,0 (this works)

I know, I know... The Mutant HD2400 is right and the client is wrong... The client IS requesting in reality DVB-T2 but is asking it wrong. Seems to be a problem in the client side? BUT at the same time on newer tuner minisatip server (like the VU+ Zero) the DVB-T2 stream works even when client requests it as msys=DVBT

It seems to be a tuner driver/client request issue. Can minisatip be used to fake/fix/hack this msys issue?

I'm not getting any stream from my old Mutant HD2400 satip server. Somehow I need to manually over-rider the default msys type... Then it works...

Jalle19 commented 12 months ago

What client behaves like this?

jyrts commented 12 months ago

the satip client is VU+ Zero 4K with OpenATV image (satipclient plugin installed)

Seems like all DVB-T2 requests are made with msys=DVBT

This is wired because because DVB-S2 request are made with msys=DVBS2 - thats the right way to go.

I think the root cause is when scanning DVB-T2 channels over a satip vtuner you can not choose between DVB-T or DVB-T2 in the OpenATV image firmware.

Searching for DVB-S channels you can choose between DVB-S and DVB-S2. Soo it is kind of a client side of a problem...

UPDATE: even with OpenPLI client you can not choose between DVB-T or DVB-T2. But you can change modulation. Is it possible to change minisatip so when client requests mtype=256qam then it is treated as DVB-T2, even when msys=DVBT? I think the same thing is already done by the driver level when using newer tuners as hardware...

jyrts commented 12 months ago

I checked the Enigma 2 DVB-T config file /etc/tuxbox/terrestrial.xml and the transponder has system="1" enabled, that means DVB-T2. This seems like more like problem...

Jalle19 commented 3 months ago

Closing for now, feel free to re-open if you still think this issue is actually in minisatip and not in the client