catalpainternational / HarukaSMS

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Tests / missing dependency: "rosetta" #31

Closed msabramo closed 11 years ago

msabramo commented 12 years ago

Saw the job posting and decided to check out the project and see if it was something I would feel comfortable working on. I ran into some trouble early on though:

(haruka.venv)[last: 0] marca@SCML-MarcA:~/dev/git-repos/HarukaSMS$ python test
Error: No module named rosetta
(haruka.venv)[last: 1] marca@SCML-MarcA:~/dev/git-repos/HarukaSMS$ pip install rosetta
Downloading/unpacking rosetta
  Could not find any downloads that satisfy the requirement rosetta
No distributions at all found for rosetta
Storing complete log in /Users/marca/.pip/pip.log
(haruka.venv)[last: 13] marca@SCML-MarcA:~/dev/git-repos/HarukaSMS$ python syncdb
Error: No module named rosetta

What is "rosetta"?