catalyst-cooperative / pudl-catalog

An Intake catalog for distributing open energy system data liberated by Catalyst Cooperative.
MIT License
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Fix missing / incomplete Parquet & Intake metadata #7

Open zaneselvans opened 2 years ago

zaneselvans commented 2 years ago

The method shows some details about the internals of a data source within an intake catalog. E.g.

import intake
pudl_cat =
    'dtype': {
        'plant_id_eia': 'int32',
        'unitid': 'object',
        'operating_datetime_utc': 'datetime64[ns, UTC]',
        'year': 'int32',
        'state': 'int64',
        'facility_id': 'int32',
        'unit_id_epa': 'object',
        'operating_time_hours': 'float32',
        'gross_load_mw': 'float32',
        'heat_content_mmbtu': 'float32',
        'steam_load_1000_lbs': 'float32',
        'so2_mass_lbs': 'float32',
        'so2_mass_measurement_code': 'int64',
        'nox_rate_lbs_mmbtu': 'float32',
        'nox_rate_measurement_code': 'int64',
        'nox_mass_lbs': 'float32',
        'nox_mass_measurement_code': 'int64',
        'co2_mass_tons': 'float32',
        'co2_mass_measurement_code': 'int64'
    'shape': (None, 19),
    'npartitions': 1,
    'metadata': {
        'title': 'Continuous Emissions Monitoring System (CEMS) Hourly Data',
        'type': 'application/parquet',
        'provider': 'US Environmental Protection Agency Air Markets Program',
        'path': '',
        'license': {
            'name': 'CC-BY-4.0',
            'title': 'Creative Commons Attribution 4.0',
            'path': ''
        'catalog_dir': '/home/zane/code/catalyst/pudl-data-catalog/src/pudl_catalog/'

However, some of this information doesn't reflect what's in the parquet files as well as it could. We should make sure:

Some of these issues seem to be arising from Intake, and some of them seem to arise from the metadata that's getting written to the Parquet files in ETL. Looking at the type information for a sample of the data after it's been read back into a pandas dataframe:

filters = year_state_filter(
    years=[2019, 2020],
    states=["CO", "ID", "TX"],
epacems_df = (
), memory_usage="deep"), memory_usage="deep")
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 8006424 entries, 0 to 8006423
Data columns (total 19 columns):
 #   Column                     Non-Null Count    Dtype              
---  ------                     --------------    -----              
 0   plant_id_eia               8006424 non-null  int32              
 1   unitid                     8006424 non-null  object             
 2   operating_datetime_utc     8006424 non-null  datetime64[ns, UTC]
 3   year                       8006424 non-null  int32              
 4   state                      8006424 non-null  category           
 5   facility_id                8006424 non-null  int32              
 6   unit_id_epa                8006424 non-null  object             
 7   operating_time_hours       8003928 non-null  float32            
 8   gross_load_mw              8006424 non-null  float32            
 9   heat_content_mmbtu         8006424 non-null  float32            
 10  steam_load_1000_lbs        33252 non-null    float32            
 11  so2_mass_lbs               3586052 non-null  float32            
 12  so2_mass_measurement_code  3586052 non-null  category           
 13  nox_rate_lbs_mmbtu         3716001 non-null  float32            
 14  nox_rate_measurement_code  3716001 non-null  category           
 15  nox_mass_lbs               3716549 non-null  float32            
 16  nox_mass_measurement_code  3716549 non-null  category           
 17  co2_mass_tons              3688397 non-null  float32            
 18  co2_mass_measurement_code  3688397 non-null  category           
dtypes: category(5), datetime64[ns, UTC](1), float32(8), int32(3), object(2)
memory usage: 1.3 GB

The categorical values show up correctly as categories, but the other type issues (nullability, string vs/ object) remain. In my experimentation with different ways of writing out the files I think I did see strings, nullable types, and category types coming through fine in this information in the past, so I think there's something wrong with the Parquet metadata. Reading in one file and looking at the metadata directly, they all appear to be correct:

import pyarrow.parquet as pq
epacems_pq = pq.read_table("../data/hourly_emissions_epacems/epacems-2020-ID.parquet")
{name: dtype for name, dtype in zip(epacems_pq.schema.names, epacems_pq.schema.types)}
    'plant_id_eia': DataType(int32),
    'unitid': DataType(string),
    'operating_datetime_utc': TimestampType(timestamp[ms, tz=UTC]),
    'year': DataType(int32),
    'state': DictionaryType(dictionary<values=string, indices=int32, ordered=0>),
    'facility_id': DataType(int32),
    'unit_id_epa': DataType(string),
    'operating_time_hours': DataType(float),
    'gross_load_mw': DataType(float),
    'heat_content_mmbtu': DataType(float),
    'steam_load_1000_lbs': DataType(float),
    'so2_mass_lbs': DataType(float),
    'so2_mass_measurement_code': DictionaryType(dictionary<values=string, indices=int32, ordered=0>),
    'nox_rate_lbs_mmbtu': DataType(float),
    'nox_rate_measurement_code': DictionaryType(dictionary<values=string, indices=int32, ordered=0>),
    'nox_mass_lbs': DataType(float),
    'nox_mass_measurement_code': DictionaryType(dictionary<values=string, indices=int32, ordered=0>),
    'co2_mass_tons': DataType(float),
    'co2_mass_measurement_code': DictionaryType(dictionary<values=string, indices=int32, ordered=0>)
plant_id_eia: int32 not null
  -- field metadata --
  description: 'The unique six-digit facility identification number, also' + 69
unitid: string not null
  -- field metadata --
  description: 'Facility-specific unit id (e.g. Unit 4)'
operating_datetime_utc: timestamp[ms, tz=UTC] not null
  -- field metadata --
  description: 'Date and time measurement began (UTC).'
year: int32 not null
  -- field metadata --
  description: 'Year the data was reported in, used for partitioning EPA ' + 5
state: dictionary<values=string, indices=int32, ordered=0>
  -- field metadata --
  description: 'Two letter US state abbreviation.'
facility_id: int32
  -- field metadata --
  description: 'New EPA plant ID.'
unit_id_epa: string
  -- field metadata --
  description: 'Emissions (smokestake) unit monitored by EPA CEMS.'
operating_time_hours: float
  -- field metadata --
  description: 'Length of time interval measured.'
gross_load_mw: float not null
  -- field metadata --
  description: 'Average power in megawatts delivered during time interval' + 10
heat_content_mmbtu: float not null
  -- field metadata --
  description: 'The energy contained in fuel burned, measured in million ' + 4
steam_load_1000_lbs: float
  -- field metadata --
  description: 'Total steam pressure produced by a unit during the report' + 8
so2_mass_lbs: float
  -- field metadata --
  description: 'Sulfur dioxide emissions in pounds.'
so2_mass_measurement_code: dictionary<values=string, indices=int32, ordered=0>
  -- field metadata --
  description: 'Identifies whether the reported value of emissions was me' + 47
nox_rate_lbs_mmbtu: float
  -- field metadata --
  description: 'The average rate at which NOx was emitted during a given ' + 12
nox_rate_measurement_code: dictionary<values=string, indices=int32, ordered=0>
  -- field metadata --
  description: 'Identifies whether the reported value of emissions was me' + 47
nox_mass_lbs: float
  -- field metadata --
  description: 'NOx emissions in pounds.'
nox_mass_measurement_code: dictionary<values=string, indices=int32, ordered=0>
  -- field metadata --
  description: 'Identifies whether the reported value of emissions was me' + 47
co2_mass_tons: float
  -- field metadata --
  description: 'Carbon dioxide emissions in short tons.'
co2_mass_measurement_code: dictionary<values=string, indices=int32, ordered=0>
  -- field metadata --
  description: 'Identifies whether the reported value of emissions was me' + 47
-- schema metadata --
description: 'Hourly emissions and plant operational data reported via Co' + 68
primary_key: 'plant_id_eia,unitid,operating_datetime_utc'

However... the epacems.schema.pandas_metadata is None so it's relying on the default mapping of PyArrow types to Pandas types, which isn't what we want it to do.

Why isn't the pandas metadata being embedded in the Parquet file? Is it possible to explicitly insert it? The function that's writing the Parquet files is: pudl.etl._etl_one_year_epacems() and it's using pa.Table.from_pandas() so.... wtf?

def _etl_one_year_epacems(
    year: int,
    states: List[str],
    pudl_db: str,
    out_dir: str,
    ds_kwargs: Dict[str, Any],
) -> None:
    """Process one year of EPA CEMS and output year-state paritioned Parquet files."""
    pudl_engine = sa.create_engine(pudl_db)
    ds = Datastore(**ds_kwargs)
    schema = Resource.from_id("hourly_emissions_epacems").to_pyarrow()

    for state in states:
        with pq.ParquetWriter(
            where=Path(out_dir) / f"epacems-{year}-{state}.parquet",
        ) as pqwriter:
  "Processing EPA CEMS hourly data for {year}-{state}")
            df = pudl.extract.epacems.extract(year=year, state=state, ds=ds)
            df = pudl.transform.epacems.transform(df, pudl_engine=pudl_engine)
                pa.Table.from_pandas(df, schema=schema, preserve_index=False)
zaneselvans commented 2 years ago

Hey @katie-lamb I went ahead and assigned you to this one. I think it's a mix of problems stemming from missing pandas datatype metadata, and the way that Intake is interpreting & displaying the data it finds in the Parquet files.

The issues that I think are related to pandas metadata / writing Parquet files are: