catalyst-cooperative / pudl

The Public Utility Data Liberation Project provides analysis-ready energy system data to climate advocates, researchers, policymakers, and journalists.
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Integrate EIA 861 into PUDL ETL #1492

Open bendnorman opened 2 years ago

bendnorman commented 2 years ago

861 is partially integrated into our output layer but should be integrated into our main ETL process. This is currently blocked by our Harvesting update.

zaneselvans commented 2 years ago

Depending on what boundaries we put around it, this epic may be worth turning into a Project.

bendnorman commented 1 month ago

Can this be closed?

zaneselvans commented 1 month ago

Probably this should be closed, but the EIA-861 remains incompletely integrated -- we haven't normalized the tables, harvested entities, or cleaned up a lot of the data, and there are definitely internal inconsistencies as a result.

Alternatively the issue could be used to outline those tasks so they could potentially be taken on by an open source contributor or used in future funding requests. We still have not deeply revised the harvesting / reconciliation process.