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review sandbox zenodo metadata #683

Closed cmgosnell closed 3 years ago

cmgosnell commented 3 years ago

A variety of metadata fields can be associated with each deposition at Zenodo, these are defined in the developer documentation.

Currently we appear to be populating:

Required fields which we should populate with meaningful information:

Optional fields which we can populate with meaningful information:

URLs for the current round of archives. (The based URLs do not resolve... is that just because it's the sandbox server?)

zaneselvans commented 3 years ago

I looked through all the Zenodo metadata fields in the developer documentation, and all of our current archives, and listed the fields that I think we should be populating in the issue description above. The ones I checked off are the ones we're currently populating that seem fine. The ones that aren't checked off I think need some work, or at least discussion as to whether and how we want to populate them.

ptvirgo commented 3 years ago


I'm going to risk posting the comment as best I can here. Try and remember that just because my style is terse, does not mean I'm trying to hurt feelings.

The other parts are probably manageable, but if I were genuinely trying to get some power plants closed I wouldn't devote more than a few minutes on it.

ptvirgo commented 3 years ago

"publication_type" is a controlled vocabulary intended for cases where the "upload_type" is a "publication." Our "upload_type" is a "dataset."

ptvirgo commented 3 years ago

"isCompiledBy" is intended to reference software compilation. As in, a binary pointing to it's compiler.