catalyst-cooperative / rmi-ferc1-eia

A collaboration with RMI to integrate FERC Form 1 and EIA CapEx and OpEx reporting
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migrate the depreciation studies out of excel sheet -> CSV for easier multi-person editing/adding #317

Open cmgosnell opened 1 year ago

cmgosnell commented 1 year ago

The depreciation studies we've compiled are currently in this spreadsheet. It houses both the raw studies and the link between those studies and the EIA plant parts. This was mostly fine when it was mostly only me adding to it, but if we have multiple people adding studies, these stages should be separated and converted to CSVs for easier diffing and merging.

## to do
- [x] Extract `Depreciation Studies Raw` tab out of `deprish_raw.xlsx`
- [x] create new CSV in `inputs` (perhaps `deprish_raw.csv`
- [x] Convert any pointers to `Depreciation Studies Raw` to `deprish_raw.csv`
- [x] Rename renaming tabs in `deprish_raw.xlsx` -> `deprish_eia.xlsx`
- [ ] Consider if `EIA to depreciation matches` can be extracted into CSV as well)

More notes in #169.