catalyst-cooperative / rmi-ferc1-eia

A collaboration with RMI to integrate FERC Form 1 and EIA CapEx and OpEx reporting
MIT License
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scale ferc data to level of depreciation data #58

Closed cmgosnell closed 3 years ago

cmgosnell commented 3 years ago

every depreciation record should have appropriately scaled ferc data associated with it.

FERC1 data points to scale:

Different scaling processes for different matching methods:

cmgosnell commented 3 years ago

I need a convention for dealing with the origins and associations of all of these data columns. I have three main data sets:

Both depreciation and ferc1 records are associated with master unit list records and data columns. But ferc1 records also have their own data columns (sometimes with the same names e.g. capacity_mw).

Through working on this issue, I need to associated ferc1 steam data columns with depreciation records.