catalyst / catalyst-moodle-workflows

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issue #116: fix fetch-depth ternary #117

Closed djarran closed 2 weeks ago

djarran commented 2 weeks ago

Description: There is an issue with the 'ternary' operators in GitHub Actions outlined in this discussion:

There seems to be a way because there is "ternary like" operator in Github actions . One thing to watch for is that "true value" (one after &&) need to be "truthy" to work as expected

${{ github.event_name == 'release' && github.ref || inputs.release_ref }}

This article also describes the same issue as above and outlines the solution that is used in this PR.


We flip the condition so that the value to use if true (second operand) is truthy

fetch-depth: ${{ !((contains(github.event_name, 'push') && steps.check-branch.outputs.publishable == 'true')) && 2 || 0 }}