catalyst / moodle-auth_outage

Planned, graduated user and admin friendly moodle outages
17 stars 32 forks source link

issue #328: remove unused fontawesome icon map #329

Closed ScottVerbeek closed 6 months ago

ScottVerbeek commented 6 months ago

No where in the code outageevent or auth_outageevent is mentioned. Therefore I believe this can be removed.

Here are the grep results.

vanilla-403/auth/outage$ rgrep "auth_outageevent"
vanilla-403/auth/outage$ rgrep "outageevent"
vanilla-403/auth/outage$ rgrep "power-off"

After removing the map the tests results for test_svg_fallback pass.

Moodle 4.3.2 (Build: 20231222), 6a6043c47b80ea6f64f69d8a41487ded3444a970
Php: 8.1.24, pgsql: 14.0 (Debian 14.0-1.pgdg110+1), OS: Linux 6.4.12-060412-generic x86_64
PHPUnit 9.5.28 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.

...............................................................  63 / 506 ( 12%)
............................................................... 126 / 506 ( 24%)
............................................................... 189 / 506 ( 37%)
............................................................... 252 / 506 ( 49%)
............................................................... 315 / 506 ( 62%)
............................................................... 378 / 506 ( 74%)
............................................................... 441 / 506 ( 87%)
............................................................... 504 / 506 ( 99%)
..                                                              506 / 506 (100%)

Time: 00:10.904, Memory: 344.00 MB

OK (506 tests, 506 assertions)
keevan commented 6 months ago

This change looks okay to me.

Though it's worth checking if the original issue presented earlier here which was resolved here is no longer possible with this new patch to remove it.

ScottVerbeek commented 6 months ago

Based from my debugging, there is no 404 error, however no correct icon is displayed. What follows is a screenshot of four different moodle version, 39, 311, 400 and 403. In the last version, 403, I implemented the fix.
