catalyst / moodle-tool_fix_delete_modules

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Call to a member function get_modulename() on bool #23

Open golenkovm opened 4 months ago

golenkovm commented 4 months ago

Found a few 4.1 sites that started throwing error on the admin/tool/fix_delete_modules/index.php page:


The ad-hoc task that page is failing has the following customdata: {"cms":{"14587":{"id":"14587"}},"userid":"401","realuserid":"401"}

djarran commented 4 months ago

The ad-hoc task / course module causing this issue does not contain an instance_id. This throws an exception when trying to delete the instance (calling specifically mod_hvp)

    $deleteinstancefunction = $modulename . '_delete_instance';

    if (!$deleteinstancefunction($cm->instance)) {
        throw new moodle_exception('cannotdeletemoduleinstance', '', '', null,
            "Cannot delete the module $modulename (instance).");

When opening the index page, there are many calls to get_deletemodules. This removes a module if it has no moduleinstanceid. This was added as part of #22 to fix unit tests (unit tests were retested after removing the changes to this function and they still pass):

    public function get_deletemodules($remove = true) {
        // Unset if the module is already deleted successfully.
        // This is only required if MDL-80930 is not applied.
        // MDL-80930 is integrated, there should be no "NULL moduleinstanceid".
        foreach ($this->deletemodules as $key => $deletemodule) {
            // No instanceid.
            if (is_null($deletemodule->moduleinstanceid) && !$remove) {
        return $this->deletemodules;

After this function, null is returned (with the given customdata), causing an error when querying the DB:

    private function get_gradestable(delete_task $deletetask) {
        $deletemodule = current($deletetask->get_deletemodules()); // Only one module in the task.

        if ($records = $DB->get_records('grade_items',
                                        array('itemmodule' => $deletemodule->get_modulename(),
                                              'iteminstance' => $deletemodule->moduleinstanceid,
                                              'courseid' => $deletemodule->courseid))) {

            // Get count of grades for this grade item & add to record.
            foreach ($records as $rkey => $record) {
                $gradescount = $DB->count_records('grade_grades', array('itemid' => $rkey));
                $recordarray = (array) $record;
                $recordarray = array('grades_count' => "$gradescount") + $recordarray;
                $records[$rkey] = (object) $recordarray;
tuanngocnguyen commented 4 months ago

Hi @djarran

Regards This was added as part of to fix unit tests (unit tests were retested after removing the changes to this function and they still pass) As in the comment // This is only required if MDL-80930 is not applied. So it will fail unit test if MDL-80930 is not applied. This is for backward compatibility where MDL-80930 is not applied, that is, to make the unit test work regardless MDL-80930 is applied or not

        if (is_null($deletemodule->moduleinstanceid) {

probably, this should be run on unit test only

djarran commented 4 months ago

Hi @tuanngocnguyen, thanks for the clarification. While maybe it should be run on unit test only, it looks like we've hit a bit of a weird edge case / bug with the specific course module in question.


The $this->deletemodules array is populated by the set_deletemodules_from_customdata function:

    public function set_deletemodules_from_customdata(\stdClass $customdata) {
        global $DB;
        $cms = (array) $customdata->cms;
        $this->deletemodules = array();
        foreach ($cms as $cmdata) {
            $instanceid = isset($cmdata->instance) ? $cmdata->instance : null;
            if (!isset($instanceid)) { // Attempt to retrieve from database.
                if ($record = $DB->get_field('course_modules', 'instance', array('id' => $cmdata->id))) {
                    $instanceid = $record;

With MDL-80930 applied, it seems like the instance is no longer passed to $cmdata (will need to verify this to see if it ever was), hence the $instanceid is initially set to null from the ternary. As such, we query the database to get the instance column in the course_modules table. This is what the table looks like:

select id, course, module, instance from mdl_course_modules where id = 14587;
  id    | course   | module    | instance    |
 14587  |    647   |     67    |        0    | 

So once we do this, $record will be (string) "0". This is a falsy value, and so the conditional is evaluated to false, and the instance remains null