Ideally we want to keep history for ages so we can track long term trends and performance stuff. We currently have an option to delete history after a set time, but a better option would be to compress history after some time.
For instance if the threshold is 300 seconds, and we have a task which is constantly taking 400 seconds and runs every minute then history will be jam packed with those records. But long term all we really want is to see how the average run time trends at peak semesters and also changes with optimizations.
So what I want is a second threshold which might default to a month, and anything older than that gets all records for a single day compressed into a single records with an updated duration and count.
Ideally we want to keep history for ages so we can track long term trends and performance stuff. We currently have an option to delete history after a set time, but a better option would be to compress history after some time.
For instance if the threshold is 300 seconds, and we have a task which is constantly taking 400 seconds and runs every minute then history will be jam packed with those records. But long term all we really want is to see how the average run time trends at peak semesters and also changes with optimizations.
So what I want is a second threshold which might default to a month, and anything older than that gets all records for a single day compressed into a single records with an updated duration and count.