Open Martinezrey2015 opened 1 year ago
@Martinezrey2015 we're aware of a bug that means that the AMOS/Translation tool is not picking up the subplugins/factors for translation - Moodle HQ are also looking to pull this plugin into their core release and have a bug open here that covers the same issue:
Hopefully we'll get a fix soon, but if you have internal development capabilities and manage to fix it, feel free to send a pull request with the changes.
Gracias Dan el tema esta relacionado con el texto de autenticación va muy justo contra el margen, es posible correrlo hacia el centro o darle otra ubicación?
Hi There - thanks for the explanation - that looks like a bug with the theme rather than this plugin, but we're happy to consider a pull request if you have internal development capabilities and find that it can be improved within the plugin.
El cuadro de dialogo se desborda cuando se solicita la clave de validación, moodle 4.0 tema adaptative
Les gradezco su ayuda...!