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Questions for Datta Lab #14

Closed pauladkisson closed 4 months ago

pauladkisson commented 1 year ago

In optoda_raw_data/closed_loop_behavior.parquet,

  • [ ] What are the different experiment_types and how do they relate to the paper figures? Especially excitation, excitation_photometry, and excitation_pulsed?
  • [x] Is there any difference between 'chr2' and 'chrimson' for opsin?
  • [x] Is feedback_status an onset signal, offset signal, or something else?
  • [x] In the paper (Methods: Closed-loop stimulation behavioural paradigm), syllables are described as being targeted per-session i.e. for each session, only 1 syllable is targeted with opto-DA stim. But, in the dataframe, some sessions have multiple different values for target_syllable. Could you please explain this data anomaly?

In dlight_raw_data/dlight_photometry_processed_full.parquet,

  • [ ] What is the logic for session_number, session_total_number, and stim_session?
  • [ ] What is the source of (or rationale for) the discrepancies in the kinematic data? ex. velocity_height != height_ave_mm.diff(2) * 30 / 2
  • [x] What are width_mm and length_mm?
  • [ ] What is the relationship between syllable IDs in Extended Data Figure 2, predicted_syllable in the dataframe, and the usage mapping in syllable_stats_offline.toml?

In optoda_raw_data/closed_loop_behavior_velocity_conditioned.parquet,

  • [ ] What is the difference between target_syllable and trigger_syllable?
  • [ ] There are 9 different mouse_ids but the paper only references 5 animals, why?
  • [ ] What does 'mean' refer to in trigger_syllable_scalar_threshold?
  • [ ] No area field, but based on the paper it seems like the area should be 'snc (axon)' like in the optoda dataframe. Can you confirm?

In GDrive/.../tdt_data_xxx.dat

  • [x] Could you clarify the source of this data? Is it the raw output of the TDT ActiveX Interface or converted somehow?
  • [x] What are the loading specifications? Is there a standard library for loading and/or documentation from TDT?
  • [x] After loading, the photometry_dict has several keys including 'pmt00', 'pmt00_x', 'pmt00_y', 'pmt01', ... can you describe these channels? Does one correspond to the signal and the other the UV reference? x and y?
  • [x] Clarification of LED1Amp?

Video files

  • [x] The depth.avi video has very coarse resolution, but the output from moseq results_00.mp4 has finer resolution in which you can actually see the mouse throughout. Is MoSeq using the ir.avi video along with depth.avi to generate its output?

In GDrive/.../proc/results_00.h5,

  • [x] area_mm states that it should be 'Mouse area (mm)' but shouldn't it be in mm^2? Also, area_mm != length_mm * width_mm. What exactly is this field referring to?

In GDrive/_aggregate_results_ahrmm_scalar_01/session_20211108103843-429331 (velocity modulation?)

  • [ ] The SubjectName is dls-ai32-6, which doesn't match any in the processed .parquet files NOR any of the ids listed in the maps in the dopamine-reinforces-spontaneous-behavior/rl_analysis/io/ file. Is this an excluded mouse? If so, where can I find a list/map of exclusions. I was thinking that the file covered them, but apparently not.

In the keypoint.p files,

  • [ ] there are multiple unused keypoint variables ex. positions_mean, positions_std, etc. do we want to store all of these different keypoint representations or only the ones ultimately used in the notebook for plotting figures (positions_median)?

In the provided sex_map,

  • [ ] there are four missing subjects: {'5894', '5893', 'vta-nacc-ctrl-7', '5892', '5891'}. What are their sexes?
kaijfox commented 1 year ago

Linking the reference_frame question from #20:

The reference_frame is a description of the "zero-position" for a Spatial Series like the mouse's position or orientation. For example, "top left", "bottom right", etc.

The question then being what our reference frame is for position/orientation columns in the parquet files.

pauladkisson commented 1 year ago

@kaijfox, please see new questions about extra raw data. Thanks!

wingillis commented 1 year ago

Hi @pauladkisson, I can attempt to answer these questions in bits and pieces over time.

I'll start with the first section - optoda_raw_data/closed_loop_behavior.parquet

wingillis commented 1 year ago

Next, the video files section:

pauladkisson commented 1 year ago

Hey @wingillis,

Thank you for the clarifications! For the experiment_type, is there a difference between excitation_photometry and reinforcement_photometry?

pauladkisson commented 1 year ago

Linking the reference_frame question from #20:

Circling back around to this. Based on moseq-extract code it seems like the reference is 'top left' of the image, but could use a confirmation.