catalystneuro / tye-lab-to-nwb

NWB Conversion project for the Tye lab at the Salk Institute.
MIT License
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'subject_id' is a required property #38

Closed laurelrr closed 11 months ago

laurelrr commented 11 months ago

Hello, I got a new error on a new session. For some reason, the code was unable to extract subject_id from the metadata.
Here is the error message:

(tyenwbenv39) lkeyes@node32:~/Projects/GIT/tye-lab-to-nwb$ python src/tye_lab_to_nwb/neurotensin_valence/
Source data is valid!
/nadata/snlkt/home/lkeyes/Projects/GIT/tye-lab-to-nwb/src/tye_lab_to_nwb/neurotensin_valence/ UserWarning: There was an error during the conversion of /nadata/snlkt/data/hao/Neurotensin/NWB/nwbfiles/H01_DiscS.nwb. The full traceback: 'subject_id' is a required property

Failed validating 'required' in schema['properties']['Subject']:
    {'additionalProperties': False,
     'properties': {'age': {'description': 'The age of the subject. The '
                                           'ISO 8601 Duration format is '
                                           "recommended, e.g., 'P90D' for "
                                           "90 days old, 'P2W' for 2 weeks "
                                           "old, 'P18Y' for 18 years old.",
                            'pattern': '^P((\\d+Y)?(\\d+M)?(\\d+D)?(T(\\d+H)?(\\d+M)?(\\d+S)?))|(\\d+W)?$',
                            'type': 'string'},
                    'age__reference': {'default': 'birth',
                                       'description': 'Age is with '
                                                      'reference to this '
                                                      'event. Can be '
                                                      "'birth' or "
                                       'enum': ['birth', 'gestational'],
                                       'type': 'string'},
                    'date_of_birth': {'description': 'Date of birth of '
                                                     'subject. Can be '
                                                     'supplied instead of '
                                      'format': 'date-time',
                                      'type': 'string'},
                    'description': {'description': 'Description of subject '
                                                   'and where subject came '
                                                   'from (e.g., breeder, '
                                                   'if animal).',
                                    'type': 'string'},
                    'genotype': {'description': 'Genetic strain. If '
                                                'absent, assume Wild Type '
                                 'type': 'string'},
                    'sex': {'enum': ['M', 'F', 'U', 'O'], 'type': 'string'},
                    'species': {'description': 'Species of subject. Use '
                                               'latin name.',
                                'pattern': '^[A-Z][a-z]+ [a-z]+',
                                'type': 'string'},
                    'strain': {'description': 'The strain of the subject, '
                                              "e.g., 'C57BL/6J'",
                               'type': 'string'},
                    'subject_id': {'description': 'ID of animal/person '
                                                  'used/participating in '
                                                  'experiment (lab '
                                   'type': 'string'},
                    'weight': {'description': 'Weight at time of '
                                              'experiment, at time of '
                                              'surgery and at other '
                                              'important times.',
                               'type': 'string'}},
     'required': ['subject_id', 'sex', 'species'],
     'type': 'object'}

On instance['Subject']:
    {'age': 'P60D',
     'genotype': 'Wild type',
     'sex': 'M',
     'species': 'Mus musculus',
     'strain': 'C57BL/6J'}
  warn(f"There was an error during the conversion of {nwbfile_path}. The full traceback: {e}")

Here is the error log:

(tyenwbenv39) lkeyes@node32:~/Projects/GIT/tye-lab-to-nwb$ cat /snlkt/data/hao/Neurotensin/NWB/nwbfiles/H01_DiscS_error_log.txt
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/nadata/snlkt/home/lkeyes/Projects/GIT/tye-lab-to-nwb/src/tye_lab_to_nwb/neurotensin_valence/", line 186, in session_to_nwb
  File "/nadata/snlkt/home/lkeyes/Projects/GIT/tye-lab-to-nwb/src/tye_lab_to_nwb/neurotensin_valence/", line 56, in run_conversion
  File "/home/lkeyes/anaconda3/envs/tyenwbenv39/lib/python3.9/site-packages/neuroconv/", line 147, in run_conversion
  File "/home/lkeyes/anaconda3/envs/tyenwbenv39/lib/python3.9/site-packages/neuroconv/", line 96, in validate_metadata
    validate(instance=decoded_metadata, schema=self.get_metadata_schema())
  File "/home/lkeyes/anaconda3/envs/tyenwbenv39/lib/python3.9/site-packages/jsonschema/", line 1307, in validate
    raise error
jsonschema.exceptions.ValidationError: 'subject_id' is a required property

Failed validating 'required' in schema['properties']['Subject']:
    {'additionalProperties': False,
     'properties': {'age': {'description': 'The age of the subject. The '
                                           'ISO 8601 Duration format is '
                                           "recommended, e.g., 'P90D' for "
                                           "90 days old, 'P2W' for 2 weeks "
                                           "old, 'P18Y' for 18 years old.",
                            'pattern': '^P((\\d+Y)?(\\d+M)?(\\d+D)?(T(\\d+H)?(\\d+M)?(\\d+S)?))|(\\d+W)?$',
                            'type': 'string'},
                    'age__reference': {'default': 'birth',
                                       'description': 'Age is with '
                                                      'reference to this '
                                                      'event. Can be '
                                                      "'birth' or "
                                       'enum': ['birth', 'gestational'],
                                       'type': 'string'},
                    'date_of_birth': {'description': 'Date of birth of '
                                                     'subject. Can be '
                                                     'supplied instead of '
                                      'format': 'date-time',
                                      'type': 'string'},
                    'description': {'description': 'Description of subject '
                                                   'and where subject came '
                                                   'from (e.g., breeder, '
                                                   'if animal).',
                                    'type': 'string'},
                    'genotype': {'description': 'Genetic strain. If '
                                                'absent, assume Wild Type '
                                 'type': 'string'},
                    'sex': {'enum': ['M', 'F', 'U', 'O'], 'type': 'string'},
                    'species': {'description': 'Species of subject. Use '
                                               'latin name.',
                                'pattern': '^[A-Z][a-z]+ [a-z]+',
                                'type': 'string'},
                    'strain': {'description': 'The strain of the subject, '
                                              "e.g., 'C57BL/6J'",
                               'type': 'string'},
                    'subject_id': {'description': 'ID of animal/person '
                                                  'used/participating in '
                                                  'experiment (lab '
                                   'type': 'string'},
                    'weight': {'description': 'Weight at time of '
                                              'experiment, at time of '
                                              'surgery and at other '
                                              'important times.',
                               'type': 'string'}},
     'required': ['subject_id', 'sex', 'species'],
     'type': 'object'}

On instance['Subject']:
    {'age': 'P60D',
     'genotype': 'Wild type',
     'sex': 'M',
     'species': 'Mus musculus',
     'strain': 'C57BL/6J'}

And here are the contents of

"""Primary script to run to convert an entire session for of data using the NWBConverter."""
import traceback
from importlib.metadata import version
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Optional, Dict
from warnings import warn

from dateutil import parser

from neuroconv.utils import (
from nwbinspector import inspect_nwbfile
from nwbinspector.inspector_tools import save_report, format_messages
from packaging.version import Version

from tye_lab_to_nwb.neurotensin_valence import NeurotensinValenceNWBConverter

def session_to_nwb(
    nwbfile_path: FilePathType,
    ecephys_recording_folder_path: Optional[FolderPathType] = None,
    subject_metadata: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None,
    plexon_file_path: Optional[FilePathType] = None,
    events_file_path: Optional[FilePathType] = None,
    pose_estimation_file_path: Optional[FilePathType] = None,
    pose_estimation_config_file_path: Optional[FilePathType] = None,
    pose_estimation_sampling_rate: Optional[float] = None,
    session_start_time: Optional[str] = None,
    original_video_file_path: Optional[FilePathType] = None,
    labeled_video_file_path: Optional[FilePathType] = None,
    confocal_images_oif_file_path: Optional[FilePathType] = None,
    confocal_images_composite_tif_file_path: Optional[FilePathType] = None,
    stub_test: bool = False,
    Converts a single session to NWB.

    nwbfile_path : FilePathType
        The file path to the NWB file that will be created.
    ecephys_recording_folder_path: FolderPathType
         The path that points to the folder where the OpenEphys (.continuous) files are located.
    subject_metadata: dict, optional
        The optional metadata for the experimental subject.
    plexon_file_path: FilePathType, optional
        The path that points to the Plexon (.plx) file that contains the spike times.
    events_file_path: FilePathType, optional
        The path that points to the .mat file that contains the event onset and offset times.
    pose_estimation_file_path: FilePathType, optional
        The path that points to the .csv file that contains the DLC output.
    pose_estimation_config_file_path: FilePathType, optional
        The path that points to the .pickle file that contains the DLC configuration settings.
    original_video_file_path: FilePathType, optional
        The path that points to the original behavior movie that was used for pose estimation.
    labeled_video_file_path: FilePathType, optional
        The path that points to the labeled behavior movie.
    confocal_images_oif_file_path: FilePathType, optional
        The path that points to the Olympus Image File (.oif).
    confocal_images_composite_tif_file_path: FilePathType, optional
        The path that points to the TIF image that contains the confocal images aggregated over depth.
    stub_test: bool, optional
        For testing purposes, when stub_test=True only writes a subset of ecephys and plexon data.
        Default is to write the whole ecephys recording and plexon data to the file.

    source_data = dict()
    conversion_options = dict()

    # Add Recording
    if ecephys_recording_folder_path:
        recording_source_data = dict(folder_path=str(ecephys_recording_folder_path), stream_name="Signals CH")
        if Version(version("neo")) > Version("0.12.0"):


    # Add Sorting (optional)
    if plexon_file_path:

    # Add Behavior (optional)
    # Add events
    if events_file_path:
        event_names_mapping = {
            0: "reward_stimulus_presentation",
            1: "phototagging",
            2: "shock_stimulus_presentation",
            3: "reward_delivery",
            4: "shock_relay",
            5: "port_entry",
            6: "neutral_stimulus_presentation",
        read_kwargs = dict(event_names_mapping=event_names_mapping)
        events_source_data = dict(file_path=str(events_file_path), read_kwargs=read_kwargs)

        events_column_mappings = dict(onset="start_time", offset="stop_time")
        events_conversion_options = dict(column_name_mapping=events_column_mappings)

    # Add pose estimation (optional)
    pose_estimation_source_data = dict()
    pose_estimation_conversion_options = dict()
    if pose_estimation_file_path:
        if pose_estimation_config_file_path:
        elif pose_estimation_sampling_rate is not None:


    if original_video_file_path:
    if labeled_video_file_path:

    if pose_estimation_source_data:
        # The edges between the nodes (e.g. labeled body parts) defined as array of pairs of indices.
        edges = [(0, 1), (0, 2), (2, 3), (1, 3), (5, 6), (5, 7), (5, 8), (5, 9)]

    # Add confocal images
    images_source_data = dict()
    if confocal_images_oif_file_path:
        if confocal_images_composite_tif_file_path:


    converter = NeurotensinValenceNWBConverter(source_data=source_data)

    # Add datetime to conversion
    metadata = converter.get_metadata()

    # Update default metadata with the editable in the corresponding yaml file
    editable_metadata_path = Path(__file__).parent / "metadata" / "general_metadata.yaml"
    editable_metadata = load_dict_from_file(editable_metadata_path)
    metadata = dict_deep_update(metadata, editable_metadata)

    if subject_metadata:
        metadata = dict_deep_update(metadata, dict(Subject=subject_metadata))

    if "session_id" not in metadata["NWBFile"]:
        if ecephys_recording_folder_path:
            ecephys_recording_folder_path = Path(ecephys_recording_folder_path)
            ecephys_folder_name =
            session_id = ecephys_folder_name.replace(" ", "").replace("_", "-")
        elif pose_estimation_file_path:
            session_id = Path(pose_estimation_file_path).name.replace(" ", "").replace("_", "-")
            session_id = Path(nwbfile_path).stem.replace(" ", "").replace("_", "-")


    if "session_start_time" not in metadata["NWBFile"]:
        if session_start_time is None:
            raise ValueError(
                "When ecephys recording is not specified the start time of the session must be provided."
                "Specify session_start_time in YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS format (e.g. 2023-08-21T15:30:00)."
        session_start_time_dt = parser.parse(session_start_time)

    nwbfile_path = Path(nwbfile_path)
        # Run conversion
            nwbfile_path=str(nwbfile_path), metadata=metadata, conversion_options=conversion_options

        # Run inspection for nwbfile
        results = list(inspect_nwbfile(nwbfile_path=nwbfile_path))
        report_path = nwbfile_path.parent / f"{nwbfile_path.stem}_inspector_result.txt"
                levels=["importance", "file_path"],
    except Exception as e:
        with open(f"{nwbfile_path.parent}/{nwbfile_path.stem}_error_log.txt", "w") as f:
        warn(f"There was an error during the conversion of {nwbfile_path}. The full traceback: {e}")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Parameters for conversion
    # The path that points to the folder where the OpenEphys (.continuous) files are located.
    ecephys_folder_path = Path("/nadata/snlkt/data/hao/Neurotensin/ephys/recordings/forLaurel/1_2019-07-13_11-59-42_DiscS")

    # The path that points to the Plexon file (optional)
    # plexon_file_path = None
    plexon_file_path = Path("/nadata/snlkt/data/hao/Neurotensin/ephys/recordings/forLaurel/1_2019-07-13_11-59-42_DiscS/0001_20190713_DiscS.plx")

    # Parameters for events data (optional)
    # The file path that points to the events.mat file
    # events_mat_file_path = None
    events_mat_file_path = Path(

    # Parameters for pose estimation data (optional)
    # The file path that points to the DLC output (.CSV file)
    # pose_estimation_file_path = None
    pose_estimation_file_path = (
    # The file path that points to the DLC configuration file (.pickle file), optional
    # pose_estimation_config_file_path = None
    pose_estimation_config_file_path = (
    # If the pickle file is not available the sampling rate in units of Hz for the behavior data must be provided.
    pose_estimation_sampling_rate = None

    # For sessions where only the pose estimation data is available the start time of the session must be provided.
    # The session_start_time in YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS format (e.g. 2023-08-21T15:30:00).
    session_start_time = None

    # The file path that points to the behavior movie file, optional
    # original_video_file_path = None
    original_video_file_path = r"/nadata/snlkt/data/hao/Neurotensin/ephys/recordings/BLA recordings/Videos/1_20190713DiscS.asf"
    # The file path that points to the labeled behavior movie file, optional
    # labeled_video_file_path = None
    labeled_video_file_path = "/nadata/snlkt/data/hao/Neurotensin/DLC/DLCresults/01_DiscDLC_resnet50_Hao_MedPC_ephysFeb9shuffle1_800000_labeled.mp4"

    # Parameters for histology images (optional)
    # The file path to the Olympus Image File (.oif)
    confocal_images_oif_file_path = None
    #  confocal_images_oif_file_path = "/nadata/snlkt/data/hao/Neurotensin/Imaging/H21-H42/H41PVT_40x.oif"
    # The file path to the aggregated confocal images in TIF format.
    confocal_images_composite_tif_file_path = None
    #  confocal_images_composite_tif_file_path = r"/snlkt/data/hao/Neurotensin/CellProfiler/NT CRISPR/channel merged/H41_MAX_Composite.tif"

    # The file path where the NWB file will be created.
    nwbfile_path = Path("/nadata/snlkt/data/hao/Neurotensin/NWB/nwbfiles/H01_DiscS.nwb")

    # For faster conversion, stub_test=True would only write a subset of ecephys and plexon data.
    # When running a full conversion, use stub_test=False.
    stub_test = False

    # subject metadata (optional)
    subject_metadata = dict(sex="M",age="P60D",genotype="Wild type",strain="C57BL/6J")

weiglszonja commented 11 months ago

@laurelrr In the single session conversion script ( you would provide the metadata for the subject in subject_metadata, just how you did as

subject_metadata = dict(sex="M",age="P60D",genotype="Wild type",strain="C57BL/6J")

But subject_id is a required property that you don't have in subject_metadata which could be provided as:

subject_metadata = dict(subject_id="H01", sex="M",age="P60D",genotype="Wild type",strain="C57BL/6J")

Now the pipeline could automatically determine subject_id from the confocal images file name (e.g. H41PVT_40x.oif would be H41), but if you're not using that interface then it should be provided manually by providing it in the subject_metadata dict.

If you are using the parallel conversion script ( the subject_id is extracted from the column with the name "subject_id" for each session that you want to convert.

laurelrr commented 11 months ago

I understand now, thank you.