catalystneuro / vame-desktop

A desktop application for the Variational Animal Motion Encoding project.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Setup Apple Code-Signing with Catalyst Neuro Credentials #19

Open garrettmflynn opened 3 weeks ago

garrettmflynn commented 3 weeks ago

Currently ensuring that this works with my personal credentials.

Please proceed with the following steps to replace these Secret Keys with those relevant for Catalyst Neuro once we gain approval of our Apple Developer account:

  1. APPLE_ID — Your Apple ID
  2. APPLE_PASSWORD — An app-specific password generated on your Apple ID account
  3. APPLE_TEAM_ID — An identifier for your developer account found here
  4. MACOS_CERTIFICATE — The encoded contents of a signing certificate for this Github Action The easiest way to do this is to follow this tutorial to create a .p12 file
  5. MACOS_CERTIFICATE_PWD — The password you’ve chosen for this certificate
garrettmflynn commented 2 weeks ago

Ran into an unknown issue with my credentials yesterday:

Disabled code-signing for now.

When you'd like to test the CN credentials, make sure to re-enable apple-actions/import-codesign-certs@v3 and set the environment variables in the Build-and-deploy-mac.yml workflow.