I use your library and have an issue with long of the phone number for Somalia ('SO').
Observed result
I would like to sign in with my mobile phone. And my somalian number consists of 9 digits without country code. In your examples.mobile.json somalian number consists of 8 digits. So I can not type all digits
Expected result
I can put the number +252 123 123 123 and it should be valid
Steps to reproduce
I use your library and have an issue with long of the phone number for Somalia ('SO').
Observed result
I would like to sign in with my mobile phone. And my somalian number consists of 9 digits without country code. In your examples.mobile.json somalian number consists of 8 digits. So I can not type all digits
Expected result
I can put the number +252 123 123 123 and it should be valid
Google's demo link
A link to the wikipedia page. It shows that phone number in Somalia can be 9 digits long: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telephone_numbers_in_Somalia
Could you please add one more digit for Somalia ('SO')? Thanks