catamphetamine / react-pages

A complete solution for building a React/Redux application: routing, page preloading, (optional) server-side rendering, asynchronous HTTP requests, document metadata, etc.
MIT License
176 stars 29 forks source link

Error running npm install #56

Closed justkost closed 7 years ago

justkost commented 7 years ago

Node v8.9.0 NPM v5.5.1

Executing script: build-commonjs-modules to be executed: babel ./source --out-dir ./build --source-maps source/client/CustomEvent.js -> build/client/CustomEvent.js source/client/cookies.js -> build/client/cookies.js source/client/history.js -> build/client/history.js source/client/render.js -> build/client/render.js source/client/robust-websocket.js -> build/client/robust-websocket.js source/date parser.js -> build/date parser.js source/helpers.js -> build/helpers.js source/history.js -> build/history.js SyntaxError: source/http client.js: this is a reserved word (253:9) npm ERR! code ELIFECYCLE npm ERR! errno 1 npm ERR! react-isomorphic-render@12.0.10 build-commonjs-modules: better-npm-run build-commonjs-modules npm ERR! Exit status 1 npm ERR! npm ERR! Failed at the react-isomorphic-render@12.0.10 build-commonjs-modules script. npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above.

catamphetamine commented 7 years ago

What exact command are you running and where